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5. When someone copy's you while you're speaking

Don't you just hate it when, HATE IT when someone mocks every word you say? I have little cousins that literally make my job so miserable in annoyance.

I get so annoyed with them whenever they 'try' to be funny but they're not even being remotely close to funny at all. They even changed their voice a little higher and over exaggerated, which might I tell you that I don't even sound like that. They're just being plain damn annoying. You feel?

I mean, let's be real here. Im being a hypocrite, because I've actually tried doing this to some friend of mine before it was done to me and I ended up getting ignored by that person for 3 days. Until someone did it to me, I finally understood how that friend of mine felt.


If you don't want a fist being in contact with your face, I suggest you stop it

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If you don't want a fist being in contact with your face, I suggest you stop it. Please?

120 things that annoy meWhere stories live. Discover now