The Darkness Within

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Drake made his way through the woods. He kept his eyes on the ground, thinking. It had been about a month since Armen's death, and Drake was still no closer to defeating Him than before. Herobrine, despite all of Armen, Grayson, and his attempts, still lived. He was weakened, after Armen's death, but he wasn't gone. Sometimes Drake wondered if it was even possible to destroy Herobrine, as he's been trying for so long. You see, Drake was Haunted. He's spent all his life running from Herobrine, but the demon never left him alone. Drake paused by the river, gazing at his reflection. A stranger stared back. With his wavy brown hair and now-white eye, Drake was nearly identical to Herobrine. Hell, get rid of his Enderman half and they would look like twins. Exactly identical. Two copy's. Drake shook his head, and his reflection did the same. With Armen's death had come the discovery that Drake wasn't entirely normal. Well, not as normal as he thought, anyway. Drake was an enderman hybrid. That on its own should have brought up warning bells, as Mob hybrids don't exist. Drake didn't remember much of before. Before Armen, before Him, and he'd never really stopped and wondered why. The present had always seemed more important, somehow. Now Drake knew the truth. He had been created-by the same man who created Herobrine. Collin. Drake shook himself. He'd spent most of his life beleiving, as every Haunted person did, that Collin was Herobrine. That they were the same person. This, however, had been false. Collin, seeking power to protect his home, had dealt with a demon, trading his soul for power. Collin, not realizing what the demon would take, had agreed. Herobrine slowly corrupted Collin. At first, Collin was in control of his body. Only when he was unconscious could Herobrine wander. Then Collin's defenses weakened, and the power destroyed him. After Herobrine had killed Collin's parents, Collin sought to protect his younger brother, Armen. He then shot his humanity into an Enderman, and Drake was created. He spent most of his life by Armen's side. It was hard to believe he was gone. Drake flinched, pressing his hand against his temple. Armen had spent the past four years of his life as a puppet. Now it seemed Drake would share the same fate. Ever since Armen's death, his headaches have gotten steadily worse. Drake sat down at the foot of a tree. Time was running out, and there was nothing Drake could do to stop it. Drake pulled off his backpack. After he had split up with Grayson and Miya, he had gone back to the library. It had seemed....wrong, leave it there. Drake unzipped his backpack and pulled out a leather-bound book. The creases on the cover betrayed how old this book was. Yet it was probably one of the most important things Drake had ever owned, next to Armen's helmet. Drake opened it, flipping through the old pages gingerly. He didn't want to damage it. Pausing, Drake ran his hand over the cramped handwriting that filled the pages. "We made our S's the same way." Drake realized, squinting at the page. Collin had filled the journal with his thoughts, and Drake felt closer to his creator when he held his journal. Drake flipped the pages again. This journal had been how Drake had learned who he was, it was invaluable. Yet Drake knew he was running out of time, and, perhaps the same way Collin had, Drake wanted to leave behind some account of what had really happened. Drake passed Collins last entry and began to flip through his. Drake had begun to write in the journal himself shortly after leaving the library. He writes in it almost every day now. Drake flipped past his own last entry and started to write, his handwriting painfully similar to Collins.

Jan 24, 3078

It has been about a month since I left The Magic Library. I've continued to travel towards my home, but I fear I may never get there. My headaches are the worse they've ever been; I don't have much time left. I have gaps in my memory was well, similar to Collin's. I keep waking up in strange places, with blood around me and on my clothes. I'm scared. My eye glows full time now, and I scare the people around me. I have decided to stay as far away from people as I can, though I doubt it will make any difference. I don't know how much longer I'll be in control. My hands shake even as I write this. I'm sorry, Grayson. I know you told me to hang on, but I don't know how much longer I can last. You were a good friend to me, but I'm afraid it will be my face soon people will fear, not Armen's. Don't go after me. I don't want to hurt you.

The last of Collin,


Drake yelped, dropping the pencil he was holding as his head exploded in pain. Drake clutched his head in his hands, rolling on the ground in agony. "Help.......Me......" Drake breathed, but there was no one there to hear. The pain grew, consuming Drake, until it was all he knew. And finally Drake gave in, sinking into Darkness as a man's deep laughter echoed around him.

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