The Creator

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Collin led Drake into his home. Drake looked around, curious. Stone walls surrounded a circular room, with shelves full of magical items scattered throughout. It kinda reminded Drake of Grayson's old hideout, under that Ironmereian castle. The only difference was that this room was about ten times bigger. A few passages led into unknown areas. Collin turned around, gesturing to the walls around them. "Welcome to my home!" He announced. Drake whistled. "Nice place." He commented. Collin grinned. "Thanks. I try. This place is all I got, at the moment." Drake nodded in understanding. "So." He started, "How long have you been-"

"Trapped in here?" Collin finished. Drake nodded hesitantly. Collin sighed. "No clue. Feels like forever though." Drake blinked at him. Collin leaned against a bookshelf. "I hate to say it." He started, "But i'm afraid we're both stuck in the same boat." Drake stared at him. "What do you mean?" Collin's expression became pained. "How much do you know?" He questioned. Drake hesitated. Honestly, he knew more than most. Even for a hauntee, it seems. Drake had survived for years, fighting for his friends lives as well has his own. Drake had read once that most hauntees don't last for longer than a week. Drake had survived for over seven years.

Collin was still giving Drake quizzical look. Drake sighed. "I know a bit. I know who He is, since he's haunted me for as long as I can remember. I know-" Drake swallowed. "I know who you are, since even before he-uh, even before I read one of your journals." Drake stumbled over the word "possession". He didn't quite want to put his fate into words yet. Collin gave Drake a pitying look. He seemed to know exactly what Drake had left unsaid. "Your one of his hauntees?" Collin asked, his voice soft. Drake nodded. Collin flinched. "I'm sorry."

Drake stared at him. "Sorry?" He felt a bit confused. Collin gazed at Drake silently. "This is my fault. I created Herobrine. Everything he's done.... is my fault." Drake blinked at him. "No." He protested, making Collin stare at him. "It's not your fault. You were tricked." Drake was surprised at how fierce his voice sounded, how completely he believed in what he was saying. "You didn't realize that Herobrine would become evil, or that he'd corrupt your mind. You didn't know how he hated humanity, or how bloodthirsty he was. It's not your fault, what he's done. Your just as much a victim as anyone else." Collin gaped at Drake, stunned. "Y-You really believe that?" He whispered. Drake nodded. "Yeah, I do."

Collin's blue eyes turned misty. Without thinking, Drake walked up to him and hugged him. Collin let out a small gasp of surprise. Drake quickly let go, stepping back awkwardly. Why did he just do that? Drake's face burned. "Sorry." He mumbled. Collin blinked. "No, that's okay."He let out a small laugh. "I-I don't remember the last time I saw another person, let alone be comforted by one." He grinned shyly at Drake. Drake hesitated, then grinned back. A person. Collin saw him as another person, not as a mob or something to be killed. Drake blinked back tears. Collin took a step towards him, eyes wide.

"I'm sorry!" Collin gasped, looking flustered. "I-I didn't mean to upset you-" Drake laughed slightly. "You didn't." He replied, giving Collin a small smile. "I-It's just... Most people don't really see me as another person." Drake turned his head away, ashamed. "Most often, I'm seen as a monster, or a freak. Something to be hunted down and killed, or experimented on." Collin's eyes widened. "I-I'm sorry." Drake smiled at him through the tears. "It's Ok." Drake reassured him. "You don't have to apologize." Collin blinked at Drake. He led the way into a small living room, with a bookshelf on one wall, and a couch on the other. Collin sat on the couch. Drake sat beside him.

"I'm sorry this happened to you." Drake shook his head. "Collin, I said to stop apologizing." He fake-scolded him. Collin blinked at him. "Still." He said, frowning. "I wouldn't wish this fate on anyone." Drake shrugged. "Well, it's kind of my fault." He mumbled. Collin frowned. "What do you mean?" Drake flinched, then sighed. "I-I couldn't rescue him." Drake mumbled, bowing his head. "I tried so hard..." And got so far...

Collin was quiet. Drake blinked, hard. "My-My best friend." He mumbled. "He t-tried to destroy Him, but it d-didn't work."Collin's eyes widened. "He-he got possessed." Drake's voice shook. "I-I tried to take his place. I-it didn't work." Drake sniffled. "I split him in two. I began to get headaches. I-I nearly killed my friend Grayson." Drake's voice hitched, remembering his friend. Please still be alive. He had to still be alive. Collin put his hand on Drake's arm. His blue eyes were wide. "Eventually I-I ended up here." Drake buried his face in his hands. Collin put his hand on Drake's back, rubbing it gently.

"I'm sorry, Drake." He whispered. Drake shook his head. "Quit saying that." He mumbled, making Collin laugh slightly. Collin continued to rub Drake's back gently. "Despite everything that's going on," Collin began, making Drake look up at him. "I-" Collin hesitated. "i-I'm glad i'm not alone anymore." Drake blinked at him. "What happened to you?" He asked. Collin smiled sadly. "It would seem you already know most of it. I-I wandered the Dreamworld for what felt like years, then I .." Collin's voice faltered. "Well, I guess I learned how to manipulate it from the inside." Drake's Ender ear perked up. Collin smiled slightly, noticing. "I created this place, a place Herobrine cannot enter." Drake inhaled sharply. "You-You call him Herobrine, then?" He questioned, stumbling over the name a little. Collin blinked at Drake. "What else would I call him?"

Drake stared at him. "Um..." Collin frowned. "Wait, what do you call him?" Drake blinked. "Well, most of my life I called him Herobrine, just like everyone else. But-Well-" Collin frowned at Drake. "He was talking to you." Collin's eyes were wide. Drake stared at him. "Uh, yeah..." Collin gaped at Drake. "He never speaks. To anyone." Drake shrugged. Collin leaned forward. "He has a name?" Drake nodded. Collin looked fascinated.

"He calls himself Caine."

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