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Drake followed the pipe, deeper into the ground until he was surrounded by old stone. Some kind of catacombs? Drake traced his hand along the wall as he walked. Caine had disappeared again, after mumbling that he'd give Drake some space.

"I know I scare you." He'd said, inclining his head to Drake. "I know what I did to you was terrible. I know you can't just forget about it." Caine's voice had gone quiet. "But I want to make it up to you, somehow. Ease your pain." Drake had remembered staring at him, shocked into silence. He remembered thinking, "Is he serious?" And wondering if it was some kind of trick.

Caine had sighed, hearing Drake's thought, and responded with: "I don't blame you for thinking that way. If our situation was reversed, I'd probably think the same way." Drake had given him a slightly disbelieving look, and he'd held his hands up in response.

"I'm just gonna give you some space, some time to yourself. I know that a lot has changed, and I'm not trying to be pushy or anything." Caine had given Drake a small smile. "I'll talk to you later, okay?" He'd leaned over and hugged Drake, then disappeared.

Drake shook his head, bringing himself back to the present. He was grateful for some time to himself. He needed to think, without Caine hovering over his shoulder. Drake was afraid Caine might be messing with his thoughts, confusing him and keeping him contained. Screams sounded in Drake's head, and he reminded himself of all the terrible things that Caine has done. All the innocent people he's murdered, all the homes he's destroyed. And the things he's done to Drake personally, haunting him and alienating him.

Drake fingered his back, where a long scar ran across his shoulder. Caine had given it to him, trying to kill him. He had other scars, all over his body, from Caine's attacks. And now he was possessing Drake, forcing him to do terrible things, then cooing at him inside Caine's Dreamworld, where Drake is helpless thanks to him.

Acting all friendly all the sudden, now that Drake is no longer a threat. Drake felt tears threaten, and he closed his eyes against the pain. But then... there was the memory of Caine's smile, genuine instead of the fake, cruel one he was used too. His eyes, silver and happy, gazing at Drake. The memory of Caine holding him, crying, as if he actually cared about Drake.

His warm arms wrapped around Drake, holding him close as Drake cried into his shoulder. He was acting like he actually cared about Drake, and wanted to have some kind of relationship outside of his haunt. The problem was, Drake was beginning to like this side of him, the side he'd never seen until now. He had to keep reminding himself why it was a bad thing, and of all the terrible things he's done. Drake shook his head, irritated.

"Hey!" His voice sounded startled, surprised. Drake felt a flash of irritation. "I thought you'd said you'd give me some-" Drake started, spinning around, annoyed. Then he froze. It wasn't Caine. A man stood in the entrance of a new tunnel, his bright blue-green eyes (so much like Armens) wide with surprise. A bright blue shirt, jeans, little dusty but still intact. His eyes were huge. "Wow." He whispered, his voice filled with awe.

He stepped closer, his eyes taking in Drake's strange appearance. Drake took a step back, his eyes wide. Shock thrummed through his scales, his spines stuck straight up. Collin was alive! He was here! Right in front of Drake! He hadn't expected to find him so fast!

"Drake!" Caine's voice screamed in Drake's head, making Drake cry out in pain. Drake felt someone grab onto his arm and pull him foreword. "Hang on!" Drake stumbled, the pain in his head becoming unbearable. Then, suddenly, with the feeling of being doused with icy water, the pain vanished. Drake stumbled, blinking. Collin knelt in front of him, studying him with concern. "Are you okay?" He asked, offering Drake his hand.

Drake nodded, taking it. "Yeah, thanks." He muttered as Collin pulled him back to his feet. Collin nodded, his gaze fixed on something behind Drake. His eyes narrowed. Confused, Drake turned around. Caine was standing just outside the passageway, his silver eyes narrowed in anger. "Drake, get back here." He hissed under his breath, his silver irises fixed on Collin.

Collin's blue eyes narrowed at Caine. "Really? Another one? Was one host not good enough for you or something?" Drake flinched, his ear going flat against his head. Caine glared at Collin. "Drake, now." He hissed, his eyes glowing brightly. He stepped foreword, only to be met with a flash of blue light. Caine snarled, backing away angrily. Drake stared at him. Why can't he...

Collin placed his hand on Drake's shoulder. "Don't worry." He smiled at Drake reassuringly. A warm feeling burst in Drake's chest. "He can't get through."  Drake turned his head sideways. Collin blinked. "Why not?" Drake asked. Collin blinked at Drake. "I created a shield." He explained. He glared at Caine. "I'll explain everything in detail later."

Drake blinked. Collin was a Mage? Come to think of it, that did make sense. Drake wasn't sure why it hadn't occurred to him before. Collin turned his back on Caine, gesturing for Drake to follow. Drake took a step towards him, eager. "Drake!" Caine's voice pleaded behind him. Drake flattened his ear. Remember what he's done.

Drake followed Collin deeper into the labyrinth. Collin glanced back at Drake. "Um, I'm sorry if this is a rude question.." He began, looking embarrassed. Drake blinked at him. "Ask me anything." Collin hesitated. "What are you?" He asked finally, making Drake blink.

Did he... not realize who Drake was? "I... Uh. I'm an Enderman hybrid." He mumbled, feeling that usual tinge of defensiveness and shame. Collin's blue eyes reflected the lights from the pipe, and Drake suddenly had a disturbing thought. "You-Uh, Can't read minds, can you?" He asked hesitantly. Collin flinched. "No, I-I'm not him." He mumbled, turning his head away.

Drake blinked at him. "I... didn't mean it that way.." He mumbled. Collin stared at him. "I mean," Drake stumbled over his words. "I know your not like him." Drake finished, feeling somewhat awkward. Collin stared at Drake. "Y-You do?" He whispered. Drake nodded. "Yeah. I've, Uh, read your journals." Drake mumbled. Collin's eyes widened. "I'd forgotten about those." Drake nodded.

Collin stepped foreword, his gaze fixed on the wall ahead of them. He pressed his palm against the wall, and blue magic sparked, outlining a hidden door. It swung open, and Collin gestured for Drake to enter. Drake whistled. "Impressive." He commented. Collin grinned at Drake. "Thanks." Then he blinked. "You don't seem that surprised." Drake stared at him. "I-I've seen magic before." Drake said with a shrug. Collin blinked at him. "Oh." He shrugged, then entered the room.

Drake followed. "So, is the shield like a mixture of repellent and protective spells?" Drake asked, thinking of the spell he'd put around his temple home. Collin froze, then turned to look at Drake. His eyes were wide. "You... You know magic?" He asked. Drake nodded. "A little." He rubbed the back of his head, self conscious. Collin's eyes were wide. "Show me." Drake stared at him. "What?" Collin grinned. "Show me." Drake swallowed. "I don't usually.." For some reason, the idea of using his magic in front of Collin made him feel self-conscious.

Collin blinked at Drake. "Sorry." He said, sounding sheepish. He rubbed the back of his head, the same way Drake would when he felt awkward. "I've just never met another Mage before."

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