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Drake has been staying with Collin for quite a while. How long, he wasn't exactly sure. He slept when he was tired, and ate when he was hungry. Drake took a bite of his apple, then glanced across the room at Collin, who had his nose in a book. He was glad to not be alone anymore, to hear a voice besides his own and his psychotic brothers.

Collin looked up and saw Drake looking at him. He grinned. Drake grinned back. "What are you reading?" Drake called. Collin grinned. "My spellbook." Drake's Ender ear perked up. Collin laughed. "Wanna see?" He asked. Drake nodded, eager. Collin gestured. "Get over here." He grinned.

Drake walked over, holding his apple. He peered over Collins shoulder. Collin had filled the page with familiar, cramped handwriting. So much like Drake's own. Drake recognized a few of the spells from spell books he's collected over the years, but there were plenty he's never seen before. The spell keeping Caine out, a spell to make food grow faster, a spell to purify water. There were combat spells as well, and telekinesis.

Collin looked up at Drake, his expression amused. "What do you think?" Drake blinked at him. "It's amazing." Collin blinked at Drake, smiling slightly. "I'm glad you like it." Drake looked down, smiling slightly. Collin reached up, hesitantly, then ran his hand across Drake's Ender skin, the bit on his shoulder. Drake shivered slightly. Collin's touch caused shivers to run down his spine.

"Does it hurt?" Collin asked curiously. Drake shook his head. "No, not really." Collin continued to touch Drake's scales, his expression fascinated. "But... how does this work?" He breathed. "Shouldn't your Ender half be fighting with your human?" Drake shrugged. "I have no clue." Collin blinked at Drake. "I hope you don't mind me asking." Drake shook his head. "It's fine." Collin retracted his hand. Drake blinked at him.

Collin sighed. "So." Drake started. Collin looked at him. "Do you wanna get out of here?" Collin stared at Drake. "Drake, there is no way out." His voice was gentle, like he was explaining something to a child. Drake shook his head. "There's gotta be a way." He insisted. Collin shook his head. "There isn't." His voice was still that same gentle tone. "Believe me, I've looked."

Drake shook his head, not believing it. Collin gently put his hand on Drake's back, stroking his spines. "Whoa." Collin muttered, sounding startled. Drake stared at him, confused. "What?" Collin's eyes were wide. It took Drake a moment to realize he was staring at Drake's back. "You have spines."

Drake let out a small laugh. "Yeah." Drake blinked at Collin, then took off his shirt, turning around so Collin could see his bare back. Collin inhaled sharply. Drake's spines lifted, reacting to the breeze that now ran across Drake's back. Collin's hand lightly touched Drake's spines, making them stand straight up. "Wow." Collin's voice was soft. His hand retreated, and Drake put his shirt back on. "That's... really cool."

Drake laughed slightly at Collin's comment. "Most people usually think the opposite." Collin studied Drake, his blue eyes curious. "Where... are you from?" Drake hesitated. "Um.. it's complicated." Collin watched Drake curiously. Drake swallowed nervously.

"My... My memories kinda messed up." Drake mumbled. "I've been haunted by him since I was a child." Collin's eyes widened. "But you... Your an adult now." Drake nodded. "Yeah, I guess." Collin frowned. "How old are you, if you don't mind me asking." Drake hesitated. "I'm... um... Promise you won't laugh?"

Collin blinked. "Um, yeah, sure. Why would I laugh?" Drake sighed. "Because... because I'm seven years old." Collin gaped at him. "You... Your seven years old?!" Drake nodded, his ears turning red. Collin raised his eyebrows. "So... then you are a child." Drake frowned at him. "Not really." Collin laughed.

Drake felt his face grow hot. "So do you need someone to hold your hand?" He teased. Drake let out a growl. Collin jumped. Drake took a step towards him, snarling. "I didn't spend seven years protecting your brother only to be laughed at!" Drake snarled.

Collin froze, his blue eyes wide with shock. Drake could feel his scales rising with anger, and his vision tinted purple. He ran his tongue across his teeth, which had become sharp fangs. He was taller as well, as his scales began to spread. Collin took a step back.

"You knew Armen?" He whispered. The sound of Armen's name caused all the anger to leave Drake. He closed his eyes in a grimace, and his appearance went back to normal. He bowed his head, grief weighing down his shoulders. "Yes." His voice was soft. "He was my best friend."

Collin moved closer, then knelt and touched Drake's shoulder. "I'm sorry." He whispered. "What-What happened to Armen?" His voice quivered on Armen's name, and Drake realized Collin, even after all this time, still cared for his brother, just as much as Drake did. Drake closed his eyes. "He was the friend I tried to save." He whispered.

Collin gasped. Drake could hear the shock in his voice.  "I-I" Drake swallowed. "My friends and I were battling him, in the Magic Library." Drake smiled slightly, remembering.

"We were exploring, and Caine had trapped us in the center of the volcano." Collin was quiet, listening intently. "Grayson was covering my flank, and Miya was studying the terrain, looking for a way out." Drake smiled through his tears. "The diamonds were hanging from the ceiling." Collin's eyes widened. "I.. I took Grayson's sword and teleported on top of one of the diamonds."

Drake closed his eyes. "It was chaos, I remember my friends, trying to stay alive, the feel of Grayson's sword in my hands, the hard diamond I was gripping with my feet. I remember driving the blade between my feet, and the Diamond shattered. I'll never forget the sound. I fell to the ground, and at that moment-"

Drake's voice faltered. Collin touched Drakes arm. "What happened?" He whispered, his voice shaky. Drake sniffled. "I-I felt his life force slip. Next thing I knew, Grayson was beside me, and Miya was yelling, pointing at the ceiling, and then..."

Drake closed his eyes. "Caine flew back in, landing in the center of the platform. I-I think he wanted me too see it." Collin was frozen. "S-See What?" He whispered. "A-Armen. He-"

Drake's voice choked. "I watched his body devolve. He burned before my eyes." Suddenly Collin's arms wrapped around Drake. Sobs sound in his ear. "Any friend of my brother's" Collin whispered

"Is a friend of mine."

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