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Drake opened his eyes. He saw nothing. Confused, Drake blinked around him. Darkness was wrapped around Drake, and the comforting feel of the grass beneath his claws was gone. In fact, everything was gone. He felt like he was floating. Drake's breath sounded loud in his ears. Where the Hell was he? Drake closed his eyes, trying to think. The last thing he remembered... The headache! Drake had blacked out! Drake opened his eyes, alarmed. What had happened to him? Where was he? Drake hesitantly reached his arm out and waved it back and forth. Nothing. He felt Nothing. No rush of wind....No air. Panic seemed to engulf Drake. He tried to move, but the best he could do was kick his arms and legs. A low chuckle erupted in Drake's ear. Drake turned toward the noise. Nothing was there. "Hello." The same deep voice muttered nastily. It sounded like someone was whispering in his ear. "W-who's There?" Drake asked, unable to stop his voice from shaking. Drake turned around, but he was still in the dark, figuratively and literally. "Oh, did you really not figure it out yet?" The voice sneered. "Pity, I thought you were supposed to be smarter than that. The other one figured it out quite fast, and he didn't even have the heads up- you did." Drake's blood ran cold at the words. "N-no." Drake whispered, horrified. The voice laughed, he sounded amused. "Why, did the little boy finally figure it out?" The darkness seemed to take a physical appearance, wrapping itself around Drake tightly. Drake couldn't breathe. Panic sparked inside Drake's chest. Laughter echoed in Drake's ears as he fought wildly. He felt something grab him, he let out a muffled shriek. White spots danced in Drake's eyes. The spots grew brighter until Drake passed out.

Drake awoke lying on the grass, staring up at a bright blue sky. Drake sat up, flinching and placing his hand against his temple. He stood, gazing at the trees that surrounded him. What happened? The last thing he remembered.... The headache! He'd passed out! Then the memory of the blackness resurfaced. Drake let out a shudder. Herobrine... possessed him? Drake looked down at himself. Plain blue T, jeans, no bloodstains or rips in his clothing. Drake suddenly became aware his ears were ringing. He shook his head, distracted. Instead of fading, however, the ringing became louder until he could hear voices. The voices sounded paniced. Screaming filled Drake's head. He fell to his knees, clutching his head. Help Me! Drake squeezed his eyes closed as more shouts filled his head, as well as the sound of fire.
Please, no!
Oh God!
Drake heard deep laughter as the horrific sounds faded from his ears. Drake shakenly stood, haunted by what he'd just heard. Drake turned in a circle, looking at the trees and thinking of the perfect condition of his clothing. He could only come to one horrifying conclusion. He was possessed. And trapped inside another Dreamworld.

Drake chose a direction at random and began to walk. There had to be something, right? Honestly, Drake wasn't sure. But he had to see. The woods grew darker as Drake walked, as the fake sun set over a fake world. After a while, Drake realized each tree was exactly the same. With the dark woods and fog, Drake felt like he was trapped in the most illabarate VR horror game ever. The horror game Slenderman popped up inside Drake's head, supprising him. Sometimes it was really odd what Drake "remembered". Drake glanced behind him. Nothing. Yet his uneasiness wouldn't go away. A flash of red in the corner of Drake's eye caught his attention, and he turned. As he did, his vision blurred and, just for a second, he could see the real world. It was in flame. Buildings burning, the streets washed in blood. Then it was gone. But the image stayed burned inside Drake's brain. Drake looked down at his hands. He'd caused this. Him. Drake closed his eyes and let his hands fall to his sides. He sank down, burying his face in his hands. His back rubbed against a tree, and Drake glanced at it. Then he blinked. There was something-something carved into the tree! Drake turned, wanting to get a better look. It looked old, but Drake could barely make out an arrow, pointing to the ground. Confused, Drake looked down. Oddly, there was no grass growing, but a rough circle of dirt. Excited, Drake began to dig. Before long he'd uncovered an old leather bound book. Curious, he opened it. Written on the inside of the cover was one thing.

Property of Collin.

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