
31 5 0

*Edited, kinda*

Kat's POV

I wake up with my head on Emily's stomach, and a smile finds its way to my face.

We are getting close again, she is actually opening up to me, we are getting to be like how we used to, before Dylan happened. I carefully got up, trying my hardest not to wake her because she always slept in till like 9, unlike me who woke up as soon as the sun rose at 7.

I go to my room and grab a towel to take a shower and pass some time before Em got up.

As soon as I turn on the shower I relax. The hot water relaxing the muscles in my shoulders and thoughts quickly take over.

I've always been jealous of Abigail. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love her to death but Logan has always opened up to Abs. They are like the same person, whereas Logan and I are polar opposites, except for a few things, and looks.

I reach for my conditioner and notice my sister ring; a smile tugs at my lips.

My ring is a silver steel band that is dotted with diamonds, and the middle is a silver cat, in a sitting position, on the inside it said, "Her Diary." Emily's was the same, except for in the middle of hers, there were angel wings and on the inside of hers it said, "Her Keeper."

We got them whenever we were 5; they were the last thing our dad gave us for our birthday before he left the next day. We never took off the rings unless we absolutely had to. Even through Emily's wild streak, she never took off her ring.

I finish up with my shower and decide that I am going to get dressed and be productive. I'm going to go to the store to grab some groceries and make omelets for me and Emily, since our parents are at work.

I throw on a peach colored bra and pantie set and a pair of ripped up shorts. I paired it with a flowered white shirt, and some white converse. I braided my hair into two Dutch braids and started on my makeup. I kept it simple on only put on some lip gloss and mascara. I put on deodorant and perfume then walked downstairs to write a note for Logan, in case she decides to get up in the next century.


Headed to the store for some eggs and stuff for omelets

Love ya,


And with that I head to the store.

I decide to walk to the grocery store, it was pretty outside and I could use the exercise, and I may even put some color on my slender pale legs.

I begin humming to myself on my way to the store.

It's so pretty today, we have to do something today, just me and the girls. And if they didn't want to, then I could probably do something with Bronx.

I smile involuntary at the thought of hanging out with Bronx. I don't know why but he's so nice and treats me like I'm something precious and I-

"Logan!" Someone screams, and my thoughts are cut short.

Suddenly I remember why I never walk to the store once I see what part of town I'm in.

I turn my head involuntarily at the sound of my sisters name.

"Yeah! I knew that was you!" A male voice slurs and I'm shocked stiff.

"I know you've been cheating in those poker games," The male comes into view and blood chills in my veins.

"I-I'm not Logan, I'm Kathryn, her t-twin," I stutter out and feel my heart begin to pound.

The man seems to be in his late twenties and early thirties. His skin was tan and his hair was combed over in an official way. He had tattoos up and down both of his arms and up his neck, stopping at his neck. That wasn't even the terrifying part. The man was holding a knife in one hand and had a gun in his pocket. His steel gray eyes chilled my soul.

"Even better," the man slurs and comes towards me.

I don't even think, I just run.

I block out the sounds of the man yelling for me and then I hear the unmistakable cock of a gun and my heart stops, and my feet stumble a bit before I think back to something Dylan told me before.

"If someone is ever pointing a gun at you in real life, run in a zig zag line, that way it's harder to aim," He says as he kills me again in COD.

"Alright, noted. No what do I do if someone is shooting me on this game?" I ask giggling.

"Shoot back, duh!" He laughs and kills me yet again.

I start running in zig zag lines as the first shot flies by. I reach into my pocket and pull out my phone, clicking on the first number I see.

"Hello?" Logan's tired voice fills my ears and I almost weep in happiness.

"Emily help me!" I scream into the phone.

"Kat! Where are you! I'm coming now!" I hear her say frantically and another gun shot goes off.

"The alley you have to pass through to get to the store. The short cut! Hurry Emily PLEASE!" I scream and I hear her car start.

"I am, honey, calm down. It's okay, sweetie, I'm coming," She repeats over and over again and another shot rings out.

"I love you Emily," I say in case this ends badly.

"I love you too, Kathy. It's going to be okay, I promise. Have I ever broken a promise to you before?" Emily's voice is panicking as I run faster and hear another shot.

"No," I get out before I feel blinding pain in my thigh.

I let out a blood curling scream just as I see Emily's car come up.

The last thing I see is Emily screaming with tears running down her cheeks and pointing a gun, before everything goes black.


Cliffhanger! I feel like I haven't been writing as much as I usually do, so I'm doing extra-long chapters. I'll try to get back to updating every day.


Em: *Shows up behind Dylan* Hey Dylan!

Dylan: What the fuck! Who are you?!

Em: *sighs impatiently* Why is that always the first thing people ask? I'm the author, now be nice or I'll make your fate worse than anyone else's in the book. *Glares murderously*

Dylan: *Gulps* So, what do you need?

Em: I have some questions.... Are you and Emma still together?

Dylan: *looks around uncomfortable* Uh...No... we never were together.

Em: Interesting, interesting. How do you feel about Logan?

Dylan: She's definitely not that quiet little girl I left. She seems so different. It's like my breaking up with her didn't affect her at all... *looks away distantly*

Em: Alright well this was fun, but I've got fates to write, so bye bye!! *disappears into thin air*

Dylan: *stares dumbfounded*

Lot's of love to my readers!!!


✔️ Bad Girls Don't Do "Love"Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora