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Sorry, folks, this isn't a chapter.

A reader asked me if this was a true story, due to how I described things and I told them no, because it's not. I just realized that this is my venting place. If something is wrong in my life, I add it into Logan's, kind of like a way to see how it could be handled.

I've been through all of this. Whether it be heartbreak, someone I love being in a coma, smoking cigs and weed, betrayal, or self harm. I've been through it.

I'd like to thank all my readers for helping me settle into this new writing thing. I'm not used to people actually wanting to read my stuff. I've been trying to dedicate chapters to the specific people who support me, but this chapter is dedicated to all of you.

Thank you guys so much.

And if any of you are going through these things, my PM's are always open, and if we talk about anything... It'll stay between us, I swear.

Here are some numbers that might help I you don't feel comfortable talking to me about your problems:

Suicide Prevention Lifeline:

Child Abuse Hotline:

Runaways, Homeless, or At-Risk Youth:

Domestic Abuse Hotline:

Rape Hotline:

Substance Abuse Hotline:

I love you all and I hope that if you need these numbers, you will use them.

I know this A/N was kinda everywhere but it's just some things I've been wanting to say.

Don't worry, the next chapter will be an update.

-Em 🖤

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