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Logan's POV
"I didn't know it was her, Kathy. She saw the monster inside me and it's rage was being taken out on her. She's in here because of me..." I hear Archer's voice say sorrowly. (A/N idk if that's a real word but it should be.)

"It's okay, Archie. I know I haven't known you long, but I think of you like a brother.  I know you wouldn't hurt her on purpose, I see it in your eyes, you love her," Kathy tells him and my heart swells.

Slowly I open my eyes.

"Y-youre here," I say as my eyes adjust on Kathy.

"In the flesh!" Kathy say with a shimmy.

I look around and see a wheel chair.

Makes sense, she was shot because of you.

"Do you have my sweet tea, mystery boy?" I ask, unable to stop the grin from forming on my face.

You love her.

"Uh, y-yeah, here," Archer tells me handing me my drink.

Uneasiness spreads through me.

God fucking dammit, I'm all soft now.

"Thanks," I tell him with a slight smirk.

Even if he did love you... He'd never date me. I'm filth. There's no way.

My emotionless shell comes back.

It's the only way to keep my heart safe.

"Alright, I'm going to leave you two to catch up. Stay out of trouble, please. For like a couple hours. Please," Archer tells each of us, giving us the 'evil eye.'

"Sir yes sir!" Kathy and I say in unison, saluting him.

"Oh my..." He sighs as he walks out of the room leaving me and Kathy to talk.

"So what's been going on with you in Archer?" Kathy asked me, raising her eyebrow.

"Well, nothing major he just beat the crap out of me." I tell her laughing slightly at the incident.

"Yeah yeah. I've heard all about it, how's Abigail?" Kathy asked me with a smile.

"I haven't really talked to her lately," I admit with guilt in my chest.

"Why the heck not?" Kathy looks appalled as she asks.

"Things have been tough Kat," I tell her, deciding not to even get started on what's been happening.

"Whelp, therapy is in session, deary!" Kathy tells me throwing an arm around me.

"Ugh!" I groan and begin to catch her up.

Archer's POV

You love her. You love her. You love her.

How could I love her?

Shit, I know she isn't fucking Violet but... Bad boys can be scared to have their hearts ripped to shreds too...

But I feel like I know Emily like the back of my hand.

I pick up my phone and dial the number before my brain even realized it.

"Hello?" Thomas asks.

"I'm coming over, like now," I tell him hurriedly.

"Alright, I'll make quesadillas," Thomas tells me and I smile.

"Thanks Tommy," I tell him and hang up.

I need to talk to someone.

I need someone to tell me how crazy Kat is and how I couldn't possibly love Emily.

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