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Archer's POV
A parent should never talk to a child like Logan's father just did.

It took everything in me not to stand up and knock some god damn sense into him.

I sat there, silently shaking after he left and, gently, put Logan's oxygen mask back on  her.

Next, her mother came in.

I expected her mom to be as bad as her dad, but she did just the opposite.

She tended to Logan's bleeding nose like Logan was a precious angel.

She talked to Logan like she was the light of her life.

She apologized for kicking Logan out and anger came back to me. She might have apologized but I say the flicker of hurt go through Logan's eyes, and the tear roll down her cheek.

"I understand. Well, you're welcome anytime. I have to go now, Kathy checks out today. I love you. I'll come visit again soon. And to you over there," she says with a smile and points over to me.

I look up, slightly suprised.

"You take care of my girl," she says with a pointed look that meant business.

"I will," I tell her with a soft smile and she leaves me and Logan alone in a room full of unanswered questions.

"Why did you lie for him?" Is the first question I can possibly utter.

Logan turns her head, and takes off the oxygen mask.

"For her sake, she loves him," She says softly and I see the clouds of emotion in those gorgeous eyes.

She cares so much about everyone else, it must be so hard on her. But she still keeps up those walls, just because she doesn't want anyone she loves to get hurt like she has.

"But he's your dad," I try to reason with her and the familiar fire gets back into her eyes.

"He's not- and never will be- my dad," she snaps and puts the oxygen mask back on.

"What?" Is all I can manage.

He's not her dad? Well he's not her brother, unless incest runs in the family.

"He's my step father, and that's all I'm going to say on this matter," she says and yawns.

"I'm going to sleep," she mutters before slipping back on the oxygen mask and closing her eyes.

She was out in 10 seconds.

Leaving me alone with my thoughts.

Fan-fucking- tastic.

I could leave while shes asleep, and go take a shower, eat something, and come back, but I can't bring myself to leave her.

A soft knock sounds at the door.

"Come on in!" I say in a quiet voice, not wanting to wake her.

Abigail comes prancing in, like a deer.

I swear this freaking girl shows up out of the middle of no where. She's like fucking tinker Bell.

"Figured I'd find you here," she says, sitting in the same chair Logan's mom sat in.

"I put Logan in the hospital, where else would I be?" I state in a 'duh' tone.

"I don't know, with Thomas?" She says and a slight blush creeps onto her cheeks.

I swear, they both like each other but won't get the balls to get each other's numbers. It's kinda funny how two bad asses are so nervous around each other. Wonder what that's like.

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