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Logan's POV

As soon as Abigail swallowed the pills she demanded answers.

"So, yes, Archer and I are dating," I tell her and before she can even respond I hear, "HELL YEAH WE ARE!" from Archer as he makes more food.

"Do you ever stop eating?" I yell at him and he flips the grilled cheese he has on the stove.

"This is for you!!" He yells back and I laugh.

"So, when did this cuteness happen?" Abigail says with a laugh.

"Like yesterday, right?" I ask archer and he nods, making himself a glass of orange juice.

"Just help yourself," I say with a smile and he smirks and nods before chugging it.

"You two act as if y'all have been together for months!!" Abigail yells and then winces in pain.

"Don't worry, it won't take long for the pain medicine to kick in," I assure her and she smiles a little.

"I'm going to call Kathy and Skylar, to see if they want to come hang out with us, we haven't all hung out in like 3 months," I say, pulling out my phone.

"Yeah, now three out of four of us are injured," She tells me then looks at me skeptically.

"How're your ribs anyways?" She says and I automatically lie.

"They hardly even hurt, I'm a quick healer," I tell her with a convincing smile.

The truth is, I'm in constant pain, every time I breath it hurts and don't even get me started on how bad it hurts to walk. But I can't tell Abigail that because then she'll worry about my health more than hers and I only have three broken ribs, she's so much worse.

"Okay..." She says and I can see in her eyes that she knows I'm lying.

"Alrighty then, I'm gonna call Sky and Kat," I say and go to my room to make the calls, and to get to my pain medicine.

I swallow five of my pain pills so that they'll kick in faster and notice that I'm running low.

"Fuck," I mutter and make a call that I haven't made in a long time.

"Hello," He answers in a confused tone.

"Derrick?" I ask making sure it was him.

"Yeah, that you Logan?" He asks and I tell him that it is me.

"What can I do for ya?" He asks me and I here him rummaging through his things.

"I need hydros, however many you'll sell me," I tell him and I can hear the smirk in his voice.

"I thought weed and acid were your thing, Logan?" He says with a slight smile in his voice.

"Oh, shut the fuck up Derrick, it's not for fun. I broke three of my ribs and I'm running out of pain meds," I tell him and I can hear him deflate.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I'll give you fifty hydros that are 50 mg, on the house because you've always been there for me and helped me with my shipments, but any more that you buy are 5 bucks a pop," he tells me and I grab my keys out of my bag.

"Thanks, Der. This means a lot to me, I'll be at your place in 5," I tell him and hang up.

I walk out of my room and I see Archer handing Abbie a grilled cheese.

"Hey, you heading out?" Archer and Abigail ask me at the same and I laugh.

"Yeah, I'm getting some groceries and I'm picking up Kathy," I tell them both and they nod in understanding.

"Want me to come?" Archer asks getting up.

"No, it's fine, I'm a big girl!!" I saw with a wide grin and then add, "I'm sure Abigail has more questions about our new found relationship!" I tell him and Abigail nods happily.

"Okay, stay safe," he tells me then comes over to me and places a soft kiss on my nose.

"I will," I say walking out the door.

"I love you!!" I yell and I hear Abigail squeal.

I laugh a little then head down to my car.

I hate lying to Archer and Abigail but I don't know how they'd react. Archer would probably be worried as to why I had a drug dealer as a friend, and Abigail would be mad at me for getting back in touch with Derrick after I promised not to, and that I'd only get weed from her because she didn't think Derrick was trustworthy.

I shook my head and scoffed, well he was all I had right now and he's never screwed me over before, so I trust him.

I dialed Kat.

"Hey, Logan!" She says into the phone with so much happiness.

"Hey, Kat. Wanna come hang with Abigail and I? I was going to invite Skylar too," I told her and I could hear the grin in her tone.

"Skylar is actually with me right now, want her to give her the address and she'll drive?" She asks and I hear Skylar yelling hi in the background.

"Nah, I'll pick you two up in like 20ish minutes, I've got to run some errands real quick," I tell her.

"Okay, I love you sissy!" She says and I hear her laugh again at something Sky said.

"I love you too, and I miss my twin," I tell her in a low voice.

I really did miss her, I hated that we weren't living together. I missed how we talked. She's my other half and now it feels like she's gone.

"I miss you too, hurry and come get us okay?" She says in the same low voice.

"I will, bye Kat!" I tell her and hang up the phone and head to Derrick's.

I drive the familiar path that I haven't driven in forever and pull into Derrick's drive way. I notice another car in the driveway and don't think much of it, getting out of the car and walking up to the door.

I knock three times and Derrick comes to the door with his usual smile.

"Hey Logan, come on in and I'll get your order ready," he says with a cheeky grin and I laugh at how he says it.

He's always said it like that because he doesn't like the idea of being a drug dealer, he just needs the cash and is a high school dropout. He puts money pver everything, honestly it'll be his downfall.

"Here we are," he says handing me a fake prescription bottle that has my name on it so if I get caught I won't get arrested.

"Thanks," I tell him and head to leave.

"Wait, Logan. Sit down, lets talk, I haven't seen you in forever," he says and his eyes flicker around the room.

"Okay..." I say and sit closest to the door, my nerves on edge.

Something isn't right.

Derrick never wants to just sit and talk, Derrick always wants to move onto the next customer to get more money so he can order his next shipment.

"Actually, I think I need to get going, I need to pick up my sister..." I tell her and his eyes flickered to the hallway next to me again.

"No, no, tell me about your life, we haven't talked in what seems like forever," He says hurriedly and his eyes move yet again to the hallway next to me and this time I risk looking.

There stands Emma, with a gun in hand.

A gun that is pointed directly at me.



I hope you're doing well and I love you!


And check out @Sour-Liar new book The Law of Matter, it only has one chapter but it's awesome.

-Em <3

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