Late Strolls

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Yoongi was immersed in his lyric writing, not noticing the door opening quietly for the band's smiling hope to come inside and play with him for a bit.

Hoseok giggled in his hand, muffling the sound from escaping and giving away his presence. He wanted to cheer his hyung up since lately he's been feeling super stressed and went back to staying behind in the studio to continue working. Even Seokjin couldn't force him to come home early.

He covered his eyes from behind, effectively making the older blind as he fumbled around the table. "Yah who's this?" His hands immediately shot up over the younger's, feeling for the owner.

Yoongi's eyebrows scrunch in confusion. Who was this fucker messing with him? When he finds out who this is this loser's gonna pay dearly. But he feels the hands for a little while longer. It feels strangely familiar. So he's gonna assume it's one of his bandmates. But who? Plus it's so late. Seokjin's gonna kill this kid if he finds out he sneaked out of bed.

"Jin-hyung? Jimin? Taehyung?" Yoongi asks helplessly. The person behind him just snickers. Wait that sounded awfully familiar...

Uh-oh. Yoongi-hyung has my head. That was a dead giveaway. Hoseok tried to stop his laughter since it was instantly recognizable.

A few seconds pass then "Hobi?"

Hoseok grins, having been found out and removes his hold, choosing to sit beside the older in the other swivel chair. These kinds were the best since it has wheels and you could move faster and even spin around in circles. Hoseok does just that and Yoongi has this sort of amused expression on his face watching his fellow rapper make a fool of himself.

"Hajima you pabo-yah you're gonna fall," Yoongi tells him offhandedly as he resumes writing his lyrics.

Hoseok grins and stops promptly, just turning left and right on the same spot with a slumped back. He's tired and sleepy. But no way was he leaving without this hyung. Even if he must drag him home. He stops to ponder on this. He desperately hopes it wouldn't lead to that. But he's gonna do it when situation calls for it.

"Hoseok-ah what are you still doing here?" Yoongi asks from his writing. He checks his watch and looks at him. "It's late."

"You too hyung," he argues. "I stayed to practice some more. I can't get the timing right and I needed to familiarize myself more with the footwork. And possibly to force you to come home with me," he adds pointedly, giving his hyung a side glance to see if he got the point.

He did and replied back with no venom "Well as long as this song's not finished you can postpone your mission and go home without me."

But Hoseok pouts. "No way I'm leaving without you hyung," he tells the other. "You push yourself to work hard too much. I'm not gonna let you suffer alone again. I wanna be here for you. And I want you to ask our help when you need it." His resolve remained strong and because of the passion in his voice Yoongi turns to fully look at him. Big mistake. He just saw a serious expression.

Usually Hobi was the sunshine of the group. The mood maker. He always smiles and does aegyo things that make the others cringe more often than not. But he's talented and works super hard, always practicing and willing to teach the others who don't get the steps. His rapping is amazing and his dance is exceptional as well, being an underground dancer and belonging to a group before Bangtan.

Now Yoongi gives a careful look at the younger. He analyzes his facial features and sees the determination. He's serious about bringing Yoongi home if it means dragging him from the studio all the way to the dorm.

So he sighs and makes an compromise. "Fine I'll just finish this verse and we'll be on our way."

"No hyung make it shorter. It's already almost one thirty I wanna get my rest," he whines, slapping his thigh in a childish manner. "But I'm not leaving without you," he adds.

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