Confidence Is Everything

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^^ pic from gugle

Hi people yes its bn an awfully long time since you've heard from me and here I am with another oneshot from the inspiring prompt by a very awesome awEsomE person lowercased  who commented and made me feel energized. Without further ado, here it is. This goes to you lowercased  ;))

School AU

Noise filled the halls as students chattered about and stood with their friends.

A boy with sleek black hair stood close to his locker, fiddling with his textbook pages and glancing around uncertainly, as if waiting for something to happen but not necessarily looking for it.

Jung Hoseok was a boy of seventeen who had few friends close to his heart. He loved big and had a tendency to give too much. Everyone knew him for the simple fact he had a versatile body and could dance very well. Dance was indeed his passion and he had no qualms in sharing his talents with others. But when he was out of the spotlight, he mostly kept to himself and only spoke with people close to him.

A familiar face walked by, and Hoseok subconsciously curled in on himself as he caught sight of him, hoping to be one with the wall.

It was this guy again: his usual bully.

But before the burly and muscular senior could lay a hand on him or even be three feet from Hoseok, a form was suddenly in front of Hoseok's face, covering the menacing boy's face.

"Need something, Kim?"

The boy stopped at that, eyes widening a little and posture tensing up just slightly. Still, the change in the atmosphere was evident.

Hoseok held his breath.

"No of course not Min. I was just passin' by to get to my locker," the other boy said coolly.

"Your locker's the other way so scram," the boy called Min said boredly, but there was an underlying danger hidden just beneath the unbothered posture and tone which made the senior nod dumbly and inmediately turn the other way.

Only then did Hoseok breathe a little easier.

Laying a hand on the other boy's shoulder he said, "You didn't have to do that Yoongi-hyung."

"If I didn't he'll just bother you again," Yoongi said, glancing back to meet the younger's eyes.

Min Yoongi was one of Hoseok's close friends. He was quiet but when he spoke, his words were sharp and cutting to those who didn't know him beyond the bored looks and savage attitude. But to Hoseok, who had gotten used to it, could always sense affection and protectiveness accompanying the harsh words and actions. It was his way of showing he cared. It was subtle but it was strongly felt.

Hoseok smiled in thanks.

Yoongi sighed.

"We gotta work on your confidence, kid."

He frowned a little.

"What do you mean?"

Yoongi sighed, pinching his nose. Then he looked the younger in the eye. Hoseok felt the situation was serious and so stood a little straighter from his hunched posture.

"You're full of life all the time, especially when you're dancing. But when you're out of the spotlight you turn into this shy kid, which I know you're not." Yoongi glared at him, but there was no malice. Instead it was sort of accusing, and Hoseok could do nothing but smile hesitantly.

Yoongi rolled his eyes before taking the other's wrist and dragging him along to wherever.

Hoseok asked, "Where are we going?" He looked around, meeting some stares of the people they passed by. Their good friends Jimin and Jungkook waved at them, and Hoseok smiled while Yoongi grunted in acknowledgement, never once missing a beat in walking.

"Yoongi-hyung we can't keep walking around like this," Hoseok said. "Where are you even taking us?"

"You'll see."

How very Yoongi of him.

As it turned out, Yoongi had his goal on the rooftop.

The wind blasted through their hair and faces as Yoongi opened the door leading to th wide cemented area of the rooftop. He continued to drag Hoseok until the reached the middle. Only then did Yoongi let go.

Hoseok looked around confusedly before deciding to speak since he knew Yoongi would never say anything unless absolutely necessary.

"Hyung what are we doing here?"

"I'm going to teach you confidence," was the answer.

When Hoseok only frowned more, the other sighed and spoke once more.

"You always have a tendency of stepping backward whenever someone steps forward to you so we'll start with that little thing before going on to bigger stuff. Sound good?"

Not giving him a chance to answer, Yoongi tooo a step forward. As he expected, Hoseok stepped back. Their eyes met; Hoseok's was full of fear and uncertainty while Yoongi's was calm and almost unreadable.

"M- mian..." the younger muttered.

Yoongi cracked a small smile before laying a hand on his shoulder in assurance and comfort.

"We'll work in it, alright? Our goal is to make you stand proud for yourself. Okay?"

"Got it."

They did this a couple times with Hoseok improving each attempt, something that Yoongi was proud of.

Too lost were they in their goals that they didn't realize their lips were just inches from each other.

Hoseok snapped out of his focus and squeaked at the close proximity of their mouths. He couldn't step away because he got used to holding his ground and planting his feet firmly so as not to move back. Now, in the instance he needed to step back, his feet were unable to.

He blinked wide eyes at his hyung, who was too wrapped up in his own mind to notice Hoseok's dilemma.


Too late. Yoongi stepped the last step to finally meet his dongsaeng's mouth.

The contact was brief but enough to send pleasant tingles run down both their spines.

Yoongi, shocked and unable of speech as of the moment, stumbled backward and fell on his butt. Hoseok meanwhile blushed to the tips of his ears and jumped while shouting, running straight into the wall in front of him.

"Oww..." he moaned as he sank to his knees.

Yoongi was still wide-eyed but managed to pick himself up and offer a hand. Hoseok only stared at it before jumping up and planting a kiss on the older's cheek before dashing away shouting "Thanks for the confidence hyung!"

That was... something else.

But Yoongi couldn't deny the stirrings of his heart and the butterfiles in his stomach.

Aghhhh how was it peeps? Thank you for readingg!!

BTS Yoonseok/Sope OneshotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin