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Soulmate AU where there is a counter on each person's body that depicts how many times you pass your soulmate

Yoongi sighed; the number twenty-four glowed on his left palm almost mockingly. All this soulmate things were driving him crazy. Almost everyday he'd have to see the number grow bigger, and he was getting impatient that he and his idiot soulmate just kept passing by one another without either of them knowing it! It was nuts. How was he going to find them now?

Luck was on his friends' side, for almost all of them managed to find their other half, be it romantic or not. But him? Oh he was searching alright. Just not today.

A blast from his cellphone jolted him out of his hazy state of watching television, hissing out a curse and not bothering to look at the caller's name.

"Bitch, you better make it snappy before I-"

"Hyung aren't you gonna go meet us?" came Taehyung's excited voice, uncaring that he cut off the older's words. He was far too used to his mouth, and there were bigger fish to fry. "Remember? We're gonna pick Jimin up from the airport."

That was today?! Yoongi half-rose from his slumped position on the couch, scrambling to put on his jacket and shoes as he walked around the house. If he remembered correctly, Jimin's plane was supposed to arrive two thirty-ish, and he's got almost thirty minutes to prepare and leave the house.

"Hyung? You there?"

"Yeah yeah I'm up and going," he said, getting out of the house as the door clicked shut behind him. "I'm hopping in the car I'm coming don't worry."

He heard the kid snigger.

"Alright we'll see you. Be safe." Then the line went off, and Yoongi hurried to his car, muttering incoherently and driving it backwards. Too lost was he in his thoughts that he almost ran over a passer-by, and he only saw him when the guy jumped and made a noise which made him stop the car and grunt.

He almost ran over a dude!

Getting out of the car, he saw that the guy had fear and shock written across his face. Yoongi took a moment to admire the white smile and bright blond hair. He approached him and the guy smiled back nervously. Yoongi suddenly felt guilty for not paying attention to his surroundings.

Little did he know that the counter added one more number to his palm.

"Jeongmal mianhae," he bowed at the stranger. "I was in a hurry and didn't see you and it's my fault sorry."

The guy just smiled.

"That's okay, sir. I was just frightened out of my pants, that's for sure." He gave a nervous laugh. "Well, I wouldn't want to bother you if you're in a hurry. I have somewhere to be, too." He bowed one last time before walking away, whistling a happy tune that was enough to make the usually cold-hearted Yoongi smile.


"Hyung you made it!" Taehyung cried joyfully, coming up to him to give a hug. "For a second I thought you weren't coming."

"Pabo. Why wouldn't I?" Yoongi was smirking softly at the kid, who smiled bashfully and hid his face in his sweater paws. "Any news from Jimin?"

Seokjin shook his head.

"Not yet." His face brightened up in realization, and he added, "Oh I invited someone to come along. He and Jimin are friends somewhere, and he's fun to be with."

Yoongi scoffed, and looked at his hyung.

"Fun to be with than me?"

Seokjin rolled his eyes and smirked.

"You could say that." The sassy attitude was replaced by glee. "You should've been with us whenever he whines about his soulmate. They've been passing by each other for like, what was the last count, Taehyung-ah?" He turned to Taehyung, who hummed.

"Twenty something, I think," came the uncertain reply.

Seokjin laughed anyway.

"The things he would tell us," he continued with fondness. "He'd roll around on the floor moaning about this and that and we'd just watch him 'cause we literally have no idea how to calm him down."

"Video games usually help," supplied Taehyung, earning a nod from the elder.

Yoongi laughed a little. He seemed like a funny guy.

His counter turned twenty-six as a new presence introduced himself.

"Is Jimin's plane arriving soon?"

The trio turned and Yoongi's eyes widened as he saw the familiar face. The guy's eyes roved to him and he, too was shocked at seeing Yoongi for the second time that day.

Both Seokjin and Taehyung felt something was going on and so tentatively called their attention.

"You guys know each other?" asked Taehyung.

"I almost ran him over with my car a while ago," answered Yoongi automatically. But he couldn't take his eyes off the man. He felt a sudden pull to him but he couldn't understand why he felt that way. He's only just met him.

Yet the stranger smiled anyway. He bowed in greeting.

"I'm Jung Hoseok."

Yoongi bowed back.

"Min Yoongi. Hi."

Seokjin went over to them to sling an arm around Hoseok's shoulders and pull him closer. He was grinning excitedly.

"This was the guy I was telling you about," he said.

Hoseok whined inaudibly as he covered his face in embarrassment. Taehyung laughed a little but struggled to keep his giggles to himself.

"Aww hyung you're telling stories about me without my consent," he said. "Now I'm too embarrassed to show my face to him any longer. I bet it's about my soulmate too."

"You're right," chirped Taehyung, and he received a nudge on the ribs from Yoongi, who shushed him.

"It's actually really cool how you're actively searching for your soulmate," Yoongi praised a still blushing Hoseok, who managed to smile at the praise.

Yoongi offered a small smile of his own, and subconsciously raised his palm to his eye level, surprised that his count was added by two.

He wasn't able to give any more thought as Taehyung yelled "Jimin's plane is here! C'mon guys let's go!"

Yoongi's eyes glanced at Taehyung but looked down again at the new number. Really, who was this person? Why can't they meet each other face-to-face? Why does fate like to play with them so?

"You coming?"

The voice snapped Yoongi out of his reverie to find Hoseok with a concerned look in his eyes.

"Oh yeah definitely."

As Hoseok smiled and made to catch up with the other two, Yoongi got a glimpse of his left palm. He was befuddled to find that Hoseok's number matched his own. Maybe they're soulmates?

Wait... it's not right to jump to conclusions.

Maybe it was someone else? He can't be sure.

Either way, he'll find out. Maybe there's hope after all.

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