The beginning.

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(AN:Originally wasn't going to have this part which is why it is just now being published.So this explained how it all happened.Well if Sleepy Ash doesn't decide to go after Tsubaki eventually for this,Sakuya might...I better go hide him from his subclass.)

 Tsubaki held his katana and smiled widely looking at his oldest brother Sleepy Ash of sloth currently known as Kuro. "Now nii~san.See what happens when you are not careful?Because of you Mahiru is about to die!"He laughed loudly only to say boring moments later.Mahiru stood in front of Tsubaki,who was holding onto the teen's shoulder with his free hand and had the flat end of the katana now pressed against Mahiru's throat.Kuro stood there his eyes widened with fear,and guilt for causing this.The servamp was more or less at fault for Mahiru being in this situation.He and Mahiru had gotten into an argument where Kuro stated he was sick of trying to stop Tsubaki and what was the point. Mahiru tried his best to explain to Kuro how if he didn't Tsubaki may end up killing Kuro,but the servamp didn't care whether or not he died.Then Mahiru mentioned how Tsubaki could end up killing him.Again Kuro showed no reaction to the idea which broke Mahiru's heart.Was it possible Kuro didn't care if he got killed?
Mahiru left his servamp alone and went outside the apartment after the fight not wanting Kuro to see him crying.Part of him was worried Kuro really didn't care about him.But Mahiru was more upset that Kuro still saw himself as a monster and refused to even care about his own safety.It seemed no matter how hard the eve tried,it was as if he was pushing Kuro away even further.The eve began to think maybe he wasn't doing any good,but only causing problems to get worse.Mahiru was so upset that he kept walking not even thinking about the distance limitation,and if he got too far before Kuro could find him.But he didn't expect that Tsubaki would show up.
"How boring.Brother sloth's eve all by himself,becasue nii~san don't even care if the kid lives or dies!I saw the fight you know."He laughed as he stepped up to Mahiru and struck the eve to the ground with the handle of his katana.Mahiru gasped from the pain and was forced off the ground by Tsubaki grabbing him by his shoulder and yanking him to his feet. "Maybe I'll help brother out and get rid of you for him.After all it is clear he doesn't want you any more."He said with a wide creepy grin.Mahiru stared at Tsubaki with fear as he saw the servamp was now holding the blade at his throat. "mahiru?!" Kuro had followed his eve to try and make up for the fight,only to find his brother prepared to kill the teen.
"Hahaha!You are too late now brother sloth.One step closer and you only quicken his fate."Tsubaki said pressing the blade closer causing Mahiru to pull back as best he could as not to get cut.As Tsubaki laughed again after telling Kuro how this was his fault Mahiru looked at Kuro and saw the fear in his servamp's eyes.Mahiru began blaming himself,if he hadn't been so upset and ran off,he wouldn't be here and Kuro wouldn't be in danger as well. "Tsubaki,please don't do this.If you want I'll give you ...I'll give you my contract item so you can break me,but don't kill him."Kuro begged softly not sure what else he could do to save Mahiru.Tsubaki stared at Kuro for a few moments. "Almost interesting.You would sacrifice yourself for a human?" Tsubaki asked considering it.Part of him wanted to break kuro,but part of him thought killing Mahiru would be a better punishment since losing someone was worse than your own death.But...breaking Kuro was his original plan.Tsubaki laughed saying deal and threw Mahiru hard against the ground.As he hit the ground his head slammed onto the pavement with a loud thud.
Tsubaki stepped onto Mahiru's back pinning him to the ground. "Now nii~san.If you change your mind,I'll change mind and kill him."Tsubaki stated calmly staring at Kuro.He then reached his hand out waiting for Kuro to give him his bell.Kuro looked at Mahiru and removed his bell.Tsubaki stepped off of Mahiru and walked towards Kuro.Quickly he snatched the bell from Kuro and grinned.Tsubaki stared at the bell for a few moments before tossing it into the air to slice it.But something neither of them saw coming happened.Instead of white mist of the jin escaping him,or any pain from being broken Kuro saw blood,and realized to his horror what happened.Mahiru had gotten to his feet and tried stopping Tsubaki to save Kuro,only to be struck with the blade instead of Kuro's bell.The eve fell back with a gash in his chest laying in a puddle of his own blood.
"Eh?Oh my.Looks like I killed him after all."Tsubaki said with a smile looking at the eve's lifeless body.Of course Tsubaki now knew breaking the bell was pointless,since any power it had over Sleepy Ash was gone the moment Mahiru died.Staring at Mahiru's body Sleepy Ash fell to his knees. ", it can't be."He whispered.Tsubaki smiled even wider seeing how his brother looked,then got an idea.Sleepy Ash didn't move,or even attack Tsubaki now.There was no use after all.He couldn't believe it,because of him Mahiru was killed. "How sad sloth.All that kid wanted was to help you.All you did was hurt your eve,and now look at him."Tsubaki taunted his brother.Tsubaki walked over to the body with an idea of how to destroy Sleepy Ash even more.The servamp of Melancholy bit his hand causing it to bleed.Seeing what he was doing Sleepy Ash gasped and jumped to his feet to stop Tsubaki.But the youngest servamp struck him with his katana throwing him aside.He then let his blood fall into Mahiru's mouth.Sleepy Ash crawled to his feet and watched as Mahiru's large brown eyes opened slowly and began to turn a blood red.
"No..."He said softly knowing it was too late.The area around Sleepy Ash began to fade away to a red and he could no longer see Tsubaki or Mahiru.When the red faded he was standing alone on the street,no sign of his brother,or the new subclass.Laying on the ground with some blood on it was his bell.Sleepy Ash leaned down and gently picked it up and began to cry.

Melancholy's new subclass.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang