The First Peacefull Beggining

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Back at the fire nation, Firelord Zuko was talking to his men to tell them what he opposes they should do.  Not so long after Mai walked in the room and asked the soliers to wait outside for about a while.. 

"What was so important that ut couldn't wait till i finished the meeting?" Zuko aksed looking a little confused. "Zuko, a messenger hawk just arrived earlier, saying you're invited to the air temple because the avatar has to make an annoucement and he'll be partying then." Mai said. Zuko loking a little not too confident, before he could go back to his chair, MAi pulled him over for a quick hug and kiss, and said "Just go, Fire nation will be fine. I'll be the one to handle things for you while you're gone. "Thanks Mai, you don't know how happy i am.

Aang was sitting in front of a hibiscus tree while meditating when katara called out. She didn't realize that Aang was meditating so she decided to just let him be. Aang heard her so he came by the window not long before katara turned her back to get ready. "Yes sweetie?" Aang said. Katara looked back and said "Aang a couple of messenger hawks just arrived with the invitiations we sent them saying that they would go to the announcement party. 

"Suki! There's an announcement party that Aang is hosting, He wants you and me to be there, you think you can get out of the kyoshi warrioir activity for even just awhile?" Sokka said looking excited. "I'm sorry sokka but it was settled that me and the kyoshi warrioirs go to Ba Sing Se for patrol. You just go, i'll be fine." Suki said looking sad and happy at the same time. 

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