The Surprising matters

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During the party, Mai came up to Aang and asked him "Have you seen Zuko? he hasn't been around for some rest time and relaxing time like this." Mai said looking confused. "I don't know Mai, i haven't seen him around ever since he graduated firelord Zuko....Maybe it's better if you talk to hi, sincerly about what's been going on." Aang said looking at Mai while katara was greeting the arriving guests.

Soon it was time for Katara and Aang to make the special announcement.... "Hello everyone and thankyou for coming. I've gathered you all here to say that me and Katara have a very special announcement to make. This summer we're getting married! After Aang said the good news Katara raised her finger showing everyone were the ring was.

The party was over and Firelord Zuko had'nt yet even arrived. Aang, Katara, Mai, and sokka began to worry. The decided that they'd come over to the fire nation to see and check with their friend, Zuko.

As soon as they made it to the fire nation, they found the whole palce empty, they've checked all the rooms except on room, the room that Zuko uses a lot when he has meetings with his councilmen and loyal servants. There was a Security guard taking watch outside. "Why is this room on guard? Isn't evrybody suppose to be resting now at this time of the night?" Aang said as he looked confused..... The guard replied saying "Avatar Aang, Firelord Zuko had requested a meeting with the high council and the guards who take watch all over the nation. He wanted no one else inside but the memebers who were invited to have a meeting with him." Mai looked down to her feet and sighed. "Why doesn't Zuko ever tell me anything around here?" Mai said... "i'm sure that there'll be a better explanation if it comes from zuko." Aang said. After they had discoered about how zuko was doing back at the fire nation, they agreed to all go home and come again at the morning

As Mai came in the meeting room, She found Firelord Zuko just asked his guards to go back and rest now. Zuko saw Mai came in and he knew the very reason why.... He had missed the party! "Mai i'm so sorry about when i missed the party i had a really busy schedule and i had a meeting scheduled with the high council, and the guards.." Zuko said looking a little sad and serious. "Oh realy? You had a schedule with the high council and the guards? At this time of the night?" Mai said looking mad and angry.... Zuko and Mai then went back to their rooms and agreed on where they would see Aang and the others tomorrow morning. They also agreed that they need to take a break..

That very morning evrybody, even Mai was waiting at the place that they had agreed on t meet Zuko. "where's Zuko? i thought he said he'd be here? Where is he now? and why is he taking os long?" Sokka asked looking tired and impatient from waiting and waiting. "i'm sure he'll come...." Mai said feeling bad about the situation....

Soon after along wait Zuko had finally arrived. He said "hey guys, how you doin? i'm sorry i've been so busy lately, i can explain why..." Zuko said "Ok, we'll listen to it, only if you promise to tell us sincerly and if you also promise to tell mai sincerly about your schedule." Katara said.

zuko agreed and promised although before he could sit down, the team pulled a little prank on him... They put mustard on his part of the picnic blanket.. "ewwww! who put this here?" Zuko said shouting with disgust. "We did it, we put it there toteach you a little lesson and just to play little bit about you......" Zuko sat immeditly sat down as soon as he was done cleaning up and began to explain. "The reason that i haven't been partying and resting like some of you guys is because there's an important performance the firelord must atted tonight and i have to say some things.... Som that i don't like and some that i do... I requested a meeting with the high council yesterday because i needed their advice." Zuko said 

"just promise to never do it again alright?" Mai said... "I Promise." Zuko said.........

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