The fight of Team Avatar

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After Azula's betrayal, there was a fight between Aang and Katara then Sokka and Suki, and lastly Mai and Zuko.

It all started when Aang mentioned that if katara belived him before then what happend to the Air Temples wouldn't be happening now.

Katara then replied with an "I'm sorry Aang, Azula's a tricker and she was so convincing, you don'y even know what she did to convince me!" Katara said looking offended. "What! What could she possibly have done that made you belive her?!?" Aang said.

"When you left to go to the Fire Nation, Azula had aproached me, and at first i didn't believe her, but we were ambushed by some wild animals. She realized that i was too weak to fight, so she herself used firebending on those animals to save ma and baby Tenzin."

Aang was amazed, afterwards he just stood there forever and kept quiet.

Before the gang went to the Air Temples, it was actaully suki and Sokka who got their messages first. Suki got the messenger hawk and thought that it was just a silly letter. She'd left it at the table and then Sokka next picked it up, by then Suki realized that it wasn't just a silly letter. That's exactly why Sokka and Suki arrived last....

"If you'd just gave me the letter earlier then maybe we would have helped Aang so Azula wouldn't have got away!" Sokka said angrily. "I didn't even know what it was i thought that it was just a sully peice of paper!" Suki said looking offended.

"Sokka, we sent the letters and the messeger hawks after the fight and the escape of Azula happend. So it wasn't suki's fault that she got away, and no blaming here...." Aang said. "No blaming?!?!? Oh i wonder who actually started it here!" Katara said.

Zuko! Where are you going?" Mai asked. "Back to the Fire Nation, i have some unfinished business and i don't have time for confrontations." Zuko said.

Zuko! We came here to help them and not go away from them because they're fighting!" Mai said convincingly.

"Fine, but we need to get back to the fire nation after wards cause your preganant and we don't know what could possibly happen if we stay out too long." Zuko said.

Everyone's jaw just dropped in shock... not knowing what to say. 

"Mai, you're pregnant?!?!?" Sokka said with the element of surprise...

"Yes, now will everyone just shush about it?" Mai said annoyed.

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