The betrayal

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Azula explained that she meant no harm and she was here to join Team Avatar and find her father and defeat him for good. Aang was not to sure about this for he knew azula hd been his enemy long enough.  Katara smiled back at Aang while holding Baby Tenzin. Aang finally agreed that Azula stays.

During dinner time, Aang was questioning Azula too much till she got annoyed by it. "What do you want with me? Why do you keep asking me these questions?" Azula said, annoyed. "Nothing i just think that you're betraying us to get the throne back from zuko and so that you can distract us from what's hapoening!" Aang said. "Aang, just give her some space.

Can i talk to you alone in our room upstairs pls?" Katara said, looking serious.

"Aang why can't you accept the fact that Azula's part of our team now? She's one of us, so please, don't treat her like she's not one of us." Katara said. "Katara, don't you see that she might just be playing us? Aang said. The couple were getting a little heated on each other.

Since azula was there, waiting, they'd decided that they come down and talk about it when dinner time is over and baby tenzin got to sleep.

Dinner was over and baby Tenzin got to sleep. Katara sat beside Aang and began talking. "Aang...." before she could say another word. Aang turned his back and lay down.

A few days later, Aang and katara were surprised to see Azula's followers shooting fire at the guards outside the Air Temple. "I knew it! I knew you were just trying to put us onto a trap Azula!" Aang said angrily "That's the worst thing about you fools! You trust so easily that you're so easy to fool!" Azula said.

After the fight, most of the hhings were destroyed and they had nothing to do. They sent a messenger hawk to Firelord Zuko to warn him that Azula had been here to attack and betray them.

Afterwards,  Katara  said sorry to Aang for believig in Azula, not believing and trusting him from the start. Aang understood.

"It's okay Katara, we all fell for it. It's not your fault don't worry." Aang said trying to be understanding. They called the others to come and help them fix the Air Temples. Everyone came before sun down .

"What the flamio hapoend here?" Sokka said, looking confused.

"Azula came here. She tried to make us fall onto a trap by making us believe that she was joining Team Avatar. We all fell for the trap." Aang said.

"Ahem! Correction, not ALL of us, believed in her me, Suki, Toph, Zuko and Mai didn't believe in her because we weren't here! So don't count us in the blame."

"Sokka if this is suppose to help, it's not helping! Sometimes you're just not funny!" Katara said looking annoyed.

"Katara, Sokka calm down. We called them here for their help, katara not to fight with one of them." Aang said.

Everyone agreed. "Sokka and Suki, work on the right side of the Air Temple. Zuko and Mai work at the left side of the Air Temple. Me and Katara will work on the main part of the Air Temple that was destroyed. 

Everyone agreed to do each of their parts on cleaning up the mess.

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