The Problem

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Today, Sokka discovered something great. Something we could use to travel the world easier and quicker.... or so we thought.

Messenger hawks arrived for me, Aang, Toph, Zuko and Mai. We all had the same words that were written on the letter. "Hey everybody! It's me Sokka. I found something great that we could use to travel the world. Meet me where we used to camp Aang first learned fire bending with Master jong jong." Everyone agreed to the letter but had also remembered that commander Zhao and the rest of his men kind of burned down the place a year ago.... All of them were confused but still decided to meet him after sun down.

It was sun down, everyone got ready except for Aang. Katara noticed that he seemed quiet all day. When she came up to Aang and tried to talk to him, he just ignored her like he was mad. "Why Aang? What's going on? You haven't said a word ever since after breakfast, and i haven't seen Appa, where is he?" Katara said.. after she said that to Aang she began to realise what had really happend. She began to realise that maybe Appa was missing that's why Aang had seemed so quiet...  The others noticed as well.... and began to worry how they would get to where they used to camp. Katara seemed worried because she knew what had happened before when they lost Appa to the sand benders.... instead they sent a messenger hawk to Sokka saying that they could not make it back to camp for appa was missing and there was no one to take them there....

It was late at night and the others had to go back home to rest. Katara sat down in fron of Aang and began talking. "Aang, Appa was stolen too before.... but we found him. I'm sure we'll find hims again now." Katara said having a supportive voice... Aang looked sad and tired at the same time for he had not done anything ever since he had figured out that Appa was missing.

He and Katara got to bed. Katara wanted to tell Aang something but he was too angry and tired to hear it out so instead he just replied back with a "I'm tired. Go to sleep and we'll talk about this at the morning." Aang said.

It was now morning and Aang came down from their room to get some breakfast.  As soon as Katara saw Aang she quickly greeted him "Good Morning Aang. Did you sleep well? Are you ready to hear what u was suppose to say yesterday?" Katara said looking excited.
"I'm still tired. I couldn't sleep...." Aang replied.. Katara felt sad and down..  she knew she had to be patient with Aang...

After Aang ate breakfast, Katara picked up the plates but before she could put it at the sink she shouted "OUCH!" Aang heard and quickly came to the kitchen. As soon as he arrived he found katara lying down on the floor crying with pain." He quickly helped her get upstairs and asked her what's wrong. "Aang i've been waiting to tell you this but i didn't think you were ready so i kept it a secret from you, ever since 3 days ago.." Katara said. "What's that you have been wanting to tell me Katara?" Aang said. "Aang i'm pregnant!" Aang's jaw dropped and didn't know what to feel. He felt happy and excited... "Katara that's incredible!" What should we name him or her? "If it's a her then maybe we should name her Raysha." Katara said. "And if it's a boy we should name him tenzin." Aang squealed

Aang began to understand why Katara wanted him to feel happy when this week started. Although i still didn't know how to find Appa... Katara knew what i was thinking and recommended that we see a friend of hers. A friend with extraordinary powers. "I have a friend that might be able to help... Her name is Mala and she has the power to make vibration blasts and vibe. Vibes are visions that i see when i touch certain things that Appa has touch, they're visions of the present or the future." Katara said. Aang had hope again... and asked katara where we would see her friend.

Aang and Katara's new lifeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora