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"Daddy, why do you have feathers?" You asked your father one day confused. You never really questioned it before...but it was something that you had recently gotten curious about

"My feathers?" He asked confirming your question

"Yeah! Are you a bird in disguise daddy...?" You asked quietly but very seriously. To this...your father made quite the appalled face.

"I am most certainly not a bird (name)!!" He pouted

"Then why do you have feathers daddy?"

"Because they're beautiful!" He beamed swishing his bobbed hair "don't you agree?"

"Hmm..." You stared at your father for quite a bit "yeah I guess" you shrugged

"You guess?!" He shrieked how could HIS daughter NOT find his feathers beautiful?!

"I like glitter better" you said shaking the bottle of rainbow sparkles "don't you like glitter daddy?" You father sighed at your excited face

"Glitter is nice..." He said trying not to pout "I like feathers more though"

"Well I like glitter better" you said stubbornly

"(Name), come over here" your father said waving you over. You capped your glitter and went to him "sit down" you again obeyed

"What is it daddy??" You asked confused

"I'm going to put feathers in your hair so you'll see why I like them more" he said putting feathers that complimented your hair and eye colours and went fairly well with your skin tone too.

"Okay" you said staying still.

"There" he said proudly at his work "go look in the mirror" he said eager to hear you had changed your mind


"What do you think (name)?" He asked feeling he'd won

"It's missing..." You reached over and grabbed the glitter "GLITTER!!!" You giggled dumping it all over you and your father that was now raging about how the rainbow sparkles didn't match anything he was wearing.


Years later


Yumichika had given up on your style sense years ago. First it was glitter everything, then it was polka dots and plaids, then bows and spikes on everything...now he wasn't even sure what to call your fashion sense...only one word fit it.


That was it.

Your name was the only thing that suited the style.

The fifth seat sighed as he watched his now womanly daughter walk about in her strange clothing. What was it today...? A blue and white checkered crop top that tied at the bottom accompanied with a black bra that could clearly be seen and a long brown trench like hoodie that reached your thighs. You wore a plaid green and blue pleated skirt with white thigh high knitted socks. Black leather studded and buckled boots, a choker necklace, red lipstick with blue eye shadow and...

His eyes widen slightly in surprise at the sight of...

"Oi dad!" You grinned waving at him

"What is it? You look like a disaster" he scoffed trying to hide his slight pride in you

"Yeah, I know" you laughed

"You're doing it on purpose?!" His jaw slacked as his grey eyes stared in shock

"Yup!" You grinned at him "I figured if I dressed bad enough, long enough...you'd notice my favourite accessory!" You pointed to the (fav. colour) feathers crudely tied into your hair. To this Yumichika laughed and hugged you

"I'm so relieved!!! I thought I had a fashion failure for a daughter!!!" He laughed hard as he patted your head careful not to mess up a single strand


You are Yumichika Ayasagawa's Child (Fuck did I even spell that right?)


Originally Created in 2016

Parent! Bleach x Reader | Sharing a love for an accessoryWhere stories live. Discover now