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"What, you don't want to fight?" a thick voice boomed above you as you continued to tie knot on top of knot over your zanpakuto.

"No I don't. I hate fighting" you grouched looping the ribbon around your zanpakuto's hilt and tying it once more to seal it shut.

"really..." the voice grimaced

"yes, really" you spun about with your arms crossed as you stared up at your giant father.

"you can't hate fighting, it's in your blood! You're a Zaraki, (name)!!!" your favourite friend yelled beside your father with a similar scowl on his face.

"Yes I can, Ikkaku..." you rolled your eyes

"(name)..." you felt a small tug on your hakama pants and looking down you saw your older sister, Yachiru.

She was older than you, although she was probably only a fourth of your size. Being the daughter Captain Kenpachi Zaraki you ended up being pretty tall for a girl...you were the same size as most of the guys for crying out loud. Though, you still were tiny in comparison to your father.

"don't pout big sister," you smiled down to her as she now clung to your leg

"(name) !!! you can't leave Kenny and me!!!" she shrieked with the angriest – yet cutest – pout face ever

You sighed and shook your leg in a feeble attempt to get rid of your older sister. It wasn't your fault that you couldn't stay. You were disgusted by fighting yet you were Kenpachi's daughter...biological daughter to make things worse. On top of all that you were sickly AND your zanpakuto was kido based – a big no no in squad 11.

"I can and I must Yachiru" you grouched wobblying away like a badass with only moveability in your one leg.

"(name)" your father mumbled your name as he stood in front of your door with his arms crossed and glowering down at you. Although this look wasn't as harsh as others you had received before.

You eventually managed to get right into your father's face and as such you stood right in front of him and glared up at him.

"Excuse me father" you gritted out

"if you want to leave then you have to fight me" he growled.

Kenpachi might have not cared for 'weaklings' in general however, he was a little stuck when it came to you, his own daughter. He looked down at your pale sickly frail body and like he had many times before, he wondered how you even managed to get through the academy and become a soul reaper.

"I refuse to fight, move aside and let me pass." You said stubbornly to which made your father crack a smile – er more like a smirk I suppose...

Although you were always so tiny and fragile...you always were stubborn as hell. Probably one of the only qualities you possessed that were from him. Kenpachi then lost his smile-smirk as he remembered how it was when you were little...


Years Prior


"DADDY!!!!!" you screeched flailing from your bed

"what is it (name)?" Kenpachi groaned from the other side of your bedroom door.

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