Part 9

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On Tuesday, instead of walking to Zayn's house, Harry called him and had him meet him at the fence that divided their backyards. He had no idea what was going on or why he was at the fence but he also felt he didn't really have a choice.

"I have an idea that helps you and I get to each other faster. But I needed us both on each side of the fence." Harry said.

Zayn sighed. "I'm not jumping the fence again, Harry."

"That's not what I'm going to ask you to do."

"So why am I here then?"

"I know it's going to sound crazy but we have to take three of these fence boards off."

Zayn was confused. "You mean off, off?"



"I just told you. So we can get to each other faster. Then we won't have to walk all the way around. We'll be able to just walk through the fence."

Zayn couldn't believe Harry was serious. Take the fence boards off? Were they even allowed to do this? Did he ask for permission first? He had so many questions. "Um... How are you planning to remove them?"

"I have a crowbar to pry them off with. But I need you to make sure there's nothing on the other side that the boards can fall on and break."

Zayn scratched his head and looked around. "There's nothing. Just the grass."

Zayn heard Harry squeal with excitement and he smiled to himself. He didn't really understand Harry's thinking most of the time but he figured he'd trust him this time. Hopefully their mothers would approve of their destruction of property.

Zayn almost didn't notice when the first fence board fell. But he laughed when he noticed Harry peeking through with those emerald eyes staring up at him.

"Two more." And he went back to pulling and prying. It took ten long minutes to loosen the boards and the nails but finally all three desired boards were off and Harry was pulling Zayn through onto his side.

Harry dropped the crowbar and held his arms out. "See how easy it is? Now we don't have to go far or walk all the way around. Isn't it great?"

Zayn looked at Harry. The sun sure was making his hair glow today. Did Harry know that? "It's amazing." But he wasn't talking about the fence.

"I know. Now let's go see Peter. He has something of ours."

"Of ours?"

"Yes, of ours." He laughed. "Now come on. We have to go. I was supposed to be there ten minutes ago!"

Harry began pulling him across the backyard through the house and then out the front door. But there was something different about the way Harry was touching Zayn today and immediately Zayn recognized it. Harry usually pulls him by the wrist or the arm. But today he was pulling him by the hand. Considering what happened last time Gemma even suggested they touch hands, this was quite surprising. No doubt Harry didn't forget what happened either, so did this mean anything? Was this how boys expressed their feelings to other boys? He was unsure. All he knew was that this was clearly very different. And honestly, he really liked it.




It wasn't very crowded at Pete's Sweets and Zayn was very thankful for that. Harry went to put away his backpack and Zayn took a seat in one of the booths in the back. This particular booth was his favorite one. From there, he could watch everything that was going on and no one would bother him.

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