Before the end

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Wingedkit's pov

Today, I'm to be a apprentice with my siblings, hooray! I'm so excited! I almost can't believe it.

Wingtail walked in and motioned, "so how are my kits doing today!"

Why would you ask? Of course where great dad, where becoming apprentices! Its super exciting!

" Where great, dad" Wingedkit motioned back

I'm so excited, i can't wait! Were going to be apprentices! Hooray!

Wingtail looked away as if he was disappointed in something then motioned swiftly, " your not my real kits"

What? What did he motion?

"Dad, what are you taking about?" Wingedkit motioned confused

I'm so confused, what did motion?

Wingtail motioned devilish, "Wingedkit you and your siblings, are not my real kits!"

yeah you are?! Your our dad. You have always been, right? Who else could it be? Who is it if it's not you.

"But you are!" Wingedkit motioned shocked

" But I'm not! " he snarled

He broke the rule!

Wingtail's pov

There not my kits! they had to know! They had to, they just did. I couldn't keep hiding this from them.

Wingedkit motioned, " what are you talking about? You are our dad! "

No I'm not! Fallenwing is your father, it was your mother's idea to hide it from you. It's not my fault.

"No I'm not, Fallenwing is" he hissed,"go

They had to know..... They did, they should have been told a long time ago. We never should have tricked them.

"Dad stop your scarring me" Wingedkit motioned

Listen to me! You guys are not my kits! I'm sorry that I'm scarring you but, but you had to know

Wingtail stepped for forward and snarled, "your not my kits!"

I'm sorry

Featherstar walked in, "i thought we made a promise not to tell ever them!" She motioned angrily

We did, but they had to know!

"Im sorry but they had to know" he madly hissed

Featherstar turned to her kits and motioned, " I'm sorry, but he left us, he came back a few moons ago. But yes Fallenwing is your father "

They had to, I'm sorry. But they did

Fallingkit's pov

What!? Dad, i mean Wingtail he..... he's not are dad?

"What? Your.... Your not our dad?" Fallingkit motions confused

Fallenwing walks in, "he's not, but i am, I'm sorry, that i left you all. The last storm, when you where young and your eyes weren't open, i got lost. I'm sorry, my kits. Can you ever forgive me?" He motions

Why would we?!

Wingedkit motions, "i forgive you, you got lost, you couldn't find your way back,"

Warriors Sleepyclan (Book 1) It's Only The Beginning (Completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang