just another day

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Windypaw's pov

Only a few more days and I'm a warrior! With my brothers.

Windypaw meowed, "hey, mom want to go hunting?"

Wingedtruth meowed, "i can't, sweetie"


"Why not?"

" I'm having more kits "

Yeah, more siblings!

"Thats great!" Windpaw exclaimed

" Hmm, little bit. It'll be easier for me this time since I've already had kits"

"Yeah, see you later mom i'm going hunting"

" okay "

I'm gonna catch a lot of prey!

Windypaw went up to Silverpaw, "want to go hunting?"

" Umm, no i want to be here when my mate is kitting" he hissed

Geez, anyone gonna hunt today. And she won't kit today.

Wildstar yowled, "i will be organizing patrols today since Cocacake is traveling with the medicine cats to the moonpool today. The hunting patrol that is going out now will be Flamewing, Firepaw, Silverpaw, and Night(?). The border patrol going out will be Fallingfeather, Windpaw, and Sprucepaw"

What! I've been trying to go hunting all day!

Fallingfeather walked up to her and meowed, "ready?"

"I'm not going!" Windpaw snarled

"and why's that?"

" I want to go hunting "

"We cant always do what we want"

Fine, lets go.

Sprucepaw meowed, "come on, lets go"

"Fine! Let's go" Windypaw sighed

Wingedtruth's pov

Wingedtruth watched as her kits leave the camp.

Hmm, i wonder what Poppypaw is doing.

Wingedtruth stood up with a grunt, since it had been a couple of months since she started expecting. She limped over to Poppypaw, and layed down next to her.

"You doing okay, Poppypaw?" Wingedtruth

Hope she's good, she's is going to have her kits soon.

Poppypaw meowed, "i'm fine, and I'm sorry i attacked you that first day we meet"

"Apology accepted, now how about we move this conversation into the nursery?" Wingedtruth meowed

Please say yes i want to lay down in my nest.

" Sure, I'm getting tired anyways" Poppypaw yawned

Wingedtruth and Poppypaw both stood up with a grunt.

"Woah" Poppypaw meowed

"You good?" Wingedtruth meowed

" Yeah, I'm good. The kits just moved " Poppypaw meowed

"That'll happen a lot" Wingedtruth explained as they went into the nursery

As the two queens layed down in there nest, Wingedtruth meowed, "So do you have any ideas for your kits names?"

" No, not really, but i do want one of the to be Fawnkit" Poppypaw explained

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