the almost death of Wingclan

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Wingedtruth's pov

A few moons had past since she started being a apprentice, she was at the border with some of her clanmates.

Stupid border patrols! There point less we have no other clans at our borders! Like we know other clans but they dont bother us, there to far away to care.

She was on a border patrol with her mentor and Skyflame, when they all heard yowles of pain.

What was that

Wingedpaw motioned, " we have to get back, they only yowling if there in serious pain, or getting kicked out of the clan, but that sounded like pain"

Now! We must go, now!

The other two cats nodded in agreement, then they all took off to the sky, flying higher with each wing beat. Once they where high enough and could see the camp they dived down heading straight towards the camp.

We must go faster, we have to go faster! We won't make it in time if we don't go faster.

Wingedpaw landed on top of one of the enemy's which was a large wolf, she started clawing at the back of its head. It threw her off and grabbed her back a threw her at a tree. It started stocking up to her, her eyes wide with fear. It grabbed her arm, and started shaking it's head and she yowled in pain and she clawed at it's face. It dragged its large paw across her pelt and she screeched in pain then she clawed it's pelt, and chest. Then it ran away, howling in pain.

A wolf! We've never had anything bigger then a badger! I'm not sure if i can take it on by myself, it's too big!

When Wingedpaw was finally able to stand back up, it was to late almost every single one of her clan mates where down on the ground either almost dead or dead, most of the wolves where gone now but some where finishing the job. Before they could get to her sister, Fallingpaw, she grabbed her. Just as a wolf was about to get Spottedpetal, she grabbed her by the scuff, then flew up.

Sis! Spottedpetal! I have to save them!

Wingedpaw hissed not caring anymore, "you could flap to ya know (MLP reference)"

Geez! Do you guys eat rocks!? Your two are so heavy!

Fallingpaw and Spottedpetal started flying.

Thank Starclan, there started flying, there heavy. But our clan, what is there to do

Wingedpaw started crying, "our clan, its over, where the only ones left, our clan will never be the same, since there isn't another Wingclan cat, none of us are toms! Where doomed"

I wish this was a dream. This has to be a dream!

Spottedpetal went over to her and purred, " we have each other, thats all thats matters, where not doomed we will just have to break more Wingclan rules"

What!? Also, we cant break more rules!

Wingedpaw hissed, " what about mom, dad and my other sister, our other clan mates! what, they dont matter!? We can't break more rules"

She cant be serious! Everyone matters!

"Thats not what i meant, i meant it only matters we have each other, as in if we all died, there would be nothing left of our beloved, Wingclan. Also, we must break the rules, "

Ohh, thats what she meant. Im so stupid! I can't break more rules, but if i must i must!

A few hours later, they all landed on the ground and dug graves for all there lost clanmates.

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