what will HE do

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Windykit's pov

Whoo hooo, I am having so much fun.

Windykit was running around, her eyes finally open. She yowled in joy as she played with her brothers, and sister, who sadly ended up being blind.

Windykit meowed, "come on Featherkit, you can still play. Being blind doesn't matter"

Featherkit hissed, "yes it does, I'll never get to be a warrior"

Sprucekit meowed, "but you'll get to take care of your clanmates as a medicine cat"

Featherkit meowed, "i don't want to be a medicine cat there stupid"

That is true they are stupid! But they help the clan, by healing the others.

The kits where interrupted by Wingedtruth meowing, "kits, time for sleep"

Windykit, and Sprucekit squealed, "aww, bad its not even dark out"

Featherkit meowed, "ohh my Starclan, you guys. Just listen to mom for once will ya"

Windykit hissed, "fine mouse-brain"

" Mom! "

Wingedtruth sighed, "what is it my little one?"

"Windykit is being mean"

Tattle tail

Sprucekit chuckled, "no, she's calling you stupid, stupid"


Featherkit hissed, "i'm the oldest, stop bullying me"

Wingedtruth picked up windykit, Sprucekit, and Firekit in her wings then grabbed featherkit's scuff, then meowed, "i said bed time twenty minutes ago! "

Windykit and Firekit jumped out of there mom's wings and opened there own and glided to the ground , then they ran to the nest

Wingedtruth's pov

"Thats two......" Wingedtruth meowed "now three" she purred as Sprucekit jumped out of her wings and fell to the ground since he doesn't have wings.

Featherkit hissed, "I'm not going in there"

Argh my eldest giving me attitude

Wingedtruth put Featherkit in her wings, then meowed, "and why is that sweetie"

" all they do, is make fun of me, just because am blind "

I know, but i want to teach you how to fly now, i know your a little young but up can at least learn to do basic flying.

Wingedtruth meowed, " i want to teach you something, it will make me much more proud of you, i swear once they see you flying they wont male fun of you, and you'll be the first blind cat with wings to fly"

"Really" Featherkit asked

" Yeah, so slowly take both your wings and at the same time flap them and if you have to, give yourself a boost jump" Wingedtruth explained

She won't understand i don't know why I'm even bothering to try.

Featherkit meowed, "like this"

"Close, even out the beats then jump" Wingedtruth purred

Featherkit did as she was told and meowed "am i flying?"

I cant believe it! She's flying, i never thought she would.

Wingedtruth cried , " yeah you are! "

Warriors Sleepyclan (Book 1) It's Only The Beginning (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now