Pain and suffering

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"Lets get back to them by the time we get back, your sister will have fallen on her face" she chuckled

Most likely

"Yeah, we should" she meowed slightly amused

she picked up speed, and threw him in the air and caught him and wrapped her wings around him diving to the ground, then she quickly open them and flew back up, then slowing as she went to land and when she was almost at the ground she let go of Flamewing, he landed softly, then she did the same.

Thats was fun! Really fun!

She landed next to Flamewing and meowed, " wait here i saw something in that tree" she pointed with her tail

"Oh, okay" he meowed

What was that, i want it?!

She flew up to grab it, she landed next to it, on a branch and reached for it, she had it in her claws when, she heard a cracking sound and looked over about to take off, it was too late the branch snapped she started crashing down to the ground. Wings flailing, she hit her head on another branch as she was crashing down.

Ohh, no!

She hit the ground and blacked out.

\/\/\/\/\/\/\time skip/\/\/\/\/\/\/

She woke up, not knowing where she was or how she was alive. She started to panic, she went to run in fear, but as she went to move she felt pain all though her body.

Owww where am i, help me! I need to know where i am!

Spottedpetal walked over to her and meowed, " Wingedtruth calm down your gonna be okay, your in the medicine cat den, Flamewing saved your life. You two should have never left me and your sister"

Oh I'm back at camp.

Wingedtruth meowed with pain in her voice" what happen, how long was i asleep"

Oww my neck hurts, so do my arms and legs!

"Shhh... Don't talk, you'll hurt your self more with each and every movement. i'll tell you all i know and when Flamewing wakes up I'm sure he will tell you all he know, which will be more then i do. Also, you've been asleep for three days,"

Three days, three days. I've been asleep three days. Just how could i be asleep for three days.

Wingedtruth nodded, then winced as the slightest movement hurt.

"When Flamewing, came into camp carry you, i freaked out, and so did your sister, by the time we calmed him down enough to say something he past out. He's resting over there," she pointed with her tail then continued , " we where gonna lay you down but most of your bones where either broken, sprained, or bruised, that why your not really comfy. We set you up on a rock with moss and ferns on it, i know it not the most comfortable but when Nightpaw gets back he was gonna carry you around the camp to give you some fresh air, during that time i was gonna fix your standing nest. "

Get on with it already!

Wingedtruth motioned with her tail, " get on with what happen"

"All we got out of Flamewing is that you saw something in a blank, that all he said well he said 'she saw something in a....' And thats all, now get some sleep" she hissed

Well i am tired.

She sent her head down on the some what moss ball.

Comfy, sorta.

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