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luke's pov
I parked my car in the student parking lot and walked into dormitory. I took a deep breath and deeply regretted filling out the sheet for if I wanted to live in a dorm or on my own. Should've chosen on my own. Once I walked in, there was a little line but it wasn't that many people. The front desk was hella busy, I mean I would've guessed because school literally starts tomorrow and people are JUST coming in. So as usual, I waited in line and looked around.

It was an okay looking building. It wasn't the best like it has the whitest of white walls, nice floor was just a building that was probably like 30 years old and hasn't been renovated in decades. Finally, I was at the front of the line and met up with the front desk lady. "Hi, my name is Luke Hemmings. I filled out the application online so I should have a key here?" I told and asked her. "Okay sir, hold on one second." She turned around and looked for my key.

From the looks of it, it looked like the keys were arranged by last name. "Ah", she said as she took one of the keys off of the hook. "Here you go sir! Please don't lose it or else you'll have to pay $20 for a new one." "Noted. Thanks." I smiled at her. She was an older lady and seemed nice. The other front desk ladies didn't seem that nice, which made me feel uncomfortable. But I brushed it off and walked to the elevator. My bags were still in my car but I just wanted to check out the place first.

I looked at the little tag on the key, "Floor 3; Room 213" I pressed the button for the 3rd floor and waited. "Wait! Please!" I heard a high-pitched shrieked voice coming my way. I held my hand out the door and wanted for the girl to come in. "I'm so sorry but thank you so much for holding the door open for me." "Yeah no problem", I said to her as I smiled. "What floor?" "3rd please." She said, calmly. "Oh, I'm going to the same floor! What a coincidence!" We both chuckled and stayed quiet.

I'm never gonna see this girl again so there's no point in talking to her anymore. We finally exited the elevator and I looked at her. "Well, I'll see you around!" "Yeah, see ya!" She said back to me. I walked to the left and she walked to the right. The first dorm number that I saw was 232. Strange, but I kept walking. 234. 236. 238. 240. The numbers keep getting bigger but no sign of 213, so I decided to walk in the other direction. The girl that was in the elevator with me was already gone so I didn't get a chance to ask here where Room 213 was.

I began walking towards the the end of the hallway until I saw Room 212. I turned my head to the opposite wall and saw my room number, 213. I took my key out and put it in the keyhole. I wasn't sure if my roommate was a girl or a boy but I sure as hell hope that whoever my roommate is, is a good one. I turned the key and opened up the door. Immediately, a whiff of a sweet candle scent was everywhere. I'm pretty sure it's a girl, "Hello?" I said into the dorm.

"Hello? Who is it?" I walked into the dorm and and saw a few girly stuff and of course the girly voice. "Hey, my name is Luke! I guess I'm your new roommate?" I heard footsteps coming towards me. "Hey, my name..." It was the girl from the elevator. I guess she could tell I was shocked so I said, "What another coincidence?" I said as I shrugged. "My name is Olivia, nice to meet Luke." She held out her hand, waiting for me to shake it and so I did.

", the bedrooms are just down the hall here. My room is on the left side and your room is right across from me." I looked into her room and saw that it was very aesthetic looking. "Nice room, I like it." "Thanks." She blushed, weird but okay. "Where are your bags at?" "Still in my car, but I'll go and get them soon." "Okay." We stood there awkwardly for a few seconds until I broke it. "Well, I guess we're living together now." Why in the shit did I say that?

"Yeah I guess so. Well, I'll be in my room. If you need anything, just knock." She smiled at me and walked back into her room.

Well, time for the new school year to start.

annoying roommate // lrh Where stories live. Discover now