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(i should probably say this before every chapter begins but i am super sorry if there are any spelling mistakes, i type incredibly fast so sometimes i don't even see the mistake before i publish it 😊)

luke's pov
I walked back into the dorm and saw Olivia sitting on her couch, watching something very intensely on her phone. I walked closer to her and say, "Hey, what are you watching on your phone?" I sat down on the floor next to her as she didn't even shot up to look at me. "I don't know. I'm just watching a stupid life hack video on Instagram. I just wasted at least 45 seconds of my life." I laughed a bit, "Let me see!" She looked down at me and said, "Why?" "Because I want to see the stupidest videos on Instagram?"

She squinted her eyes at me and handed me her phone slowly. I grabbed the phone right out of her hand and watched the video. But before I could even watch the video, a text message came through her phone.

mikey 😘♥️: hey babyyy, just wanted to tell you good luck on your first day tomorrow!! i can't wait to see you tomorrow night if you're still down for it ;)

I made a straight face and said, "Somebody texted you." I handed her back her phone and by that time, the message was gone. She raced through the phone to see who it was. "So, who's Mikey and why do you have a kissy face and a heart next to his name?" She rolled her eyes, "Mikey is my boyfriend. He doesn't go to school and he's a bit older than---why am I telling you this? This isn't none of your business." "True, but it's still fun to hear you talk about him. So, how long have you guys been together? Any secrets? What does he look like?"

"I don't need to tell you any of that." She got up off of her couch and walked to her bedroom. She slammed the door on me and I just sat on the floor, rethinking my decision of choosing the 'randomly selected roommate' option. I walked into the kitchen and got myself a cold water bottle from the fridge. There was a little window in the kitchen so I took a look out. Nothing much except for students walking around campus. I saw a few students putting up a little banner and it said, "PARTY TONIGHT IN THE MULTIMEDIA ROOM! COME ONE, COME ALL!"

A party huh? Should I go? I haven't got anything to wear except for a black shirt, black jeans, black shoes, and a black leather jacket....basically everything I have is just black. I walked to Olivia's door and was about to knock on it when I heard talking. She was probably on the phone with Mikey..or Michael, whatever his name is but I didn't knock. I walked into my room and laid on the floor. I looked up at the ceiling and just...stared. Should I go over to Izzy? She's probably busy, I still have the room number that she wrote down on the back of my hand.

I stared at it for a couple seconds. Room 426, so the fourth floor. Thank god it wasn't on the 8th floor or something like that. I got up and just decided to go over to her place. "Olivia! I'm gonna leave but I'll be back soon!" I yelled over to her before I closed to door. I didn't get a response back so I just left, locked the door, and walked towards the stairs for once. She was just above me so the stairs wouldn't hurt. I ran into a few students, slowly my down but I eventually made it to her dorm. 426, I knocked on the door and I heard someone coming to the door.

It started to open and I was expecting to see Izzy, except I saw that same guy from the elevator. "Hey..." I said awkwardly. "Hey..what are you doing at my dorm?" He asked. "Ashton right?" I managed to get out. "Yeah that's my name, what are you doing here at my dorm?" He asked again. "This girl named Izzy, she said that this was her dorm room and told me to come by any time. Is she here by any chance?" He signaled me to come in and told me to wait. "Iz! Izzy! You have a guest!" He walked back into the kitchen and she came out of her room, still in her sweats and looking comfortable as ever.

"Luke! I was not expecting you to come so soon!" "Sorry, I was bored and I still had your room number on my hand and took a chance. Luckily you're here so I wouldn't be stuck with him, huh Ashton?" I nodded over to him. He was making a sandwich and hurriedly looked up at me and looked back at his sandwich. "Oh, so you guys know each other?" Before I could say another word, Ashton took over by saying, "Nah, we just happen to meet in the elevator and just chatted some. I don't really know him but we all could grab something to eat and hang if you want!"

I looked at Izzy and said, "Well, do you wanna hang out?" "I-I guess so, if you guys don't mind. I have to get ready first." "That's fine!" Ash and I both said at the same time. She smiled and walked back into her room. About 15 minutes later of pure silence and awkwardness, Izzy finally came back out and she was absolutely stunning. She wore a beautiful sun kissed two piece, with her hair up in a ponytail but some of her hair pulled out, cute open-toed flats, and her black glasses. I took a quick glance at Ashton and I could tell that he was amazed by her appearance as well.

"Well, are you guys ready to go?" Ash and I jumped out of our gaze and I said, "Yes, let's go! You guys wanna walk around campus and figure some stuff out or go to the cafe?" All three of us looked at each and knew what the answer was.


annoying roommate // lrh Where stories live. Discover now