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(there might be spelling errors. sorry about that)

luke's pov
As all three of us walked out of their dorm, we started talking. "So, where are you guys from?" "Well, I'm from Mississippi." Izzy said, Ashton and I were so confused and I guess she could tell. "Don't worry, not a lot of people know about Mississippi or know where it's at. It doesn't really matter, where are you guys from? Australia?"

"Yeah." Ash and I said at the same time. "I'm from Sydney, specifically." I said. "Oh my god! I want to visit Sydney someday! I just want to go Australia and live there!" "Well, maybe we can go there together, Iz." I said, almost flirting with her. "Ash? What about you? What part of Australia are you from?" "Hornsby, Australia. Like you said, nobody really recognizes Hornsby just like Mississippi. Only loves the popular places." Ash said, as he got quieter and quieter. I broke the silence that was slowly starting to happen, "So, you guys wanna go to Starbucks, if there is one on Campus?"

"Sure, I could really use a pink drink right about now. I am thirsty!" "A pink drink?" "Yeah, you'll see when we get there. I think there is one on campus." Ashton stopped walking and so Izzy and I turned around, confused. "What's wrong?" She asked. "I think I'm just gonna go back to the dorm. I just feel really tired. I've done so much this morning, I just have no more energy to walk. I'm sorry guys." Without us even saying something, he began to walk back to his place immediately.

"So, do you still want to walk around with me or do you want to go back too?" I asked her, hoping that she'll want to stay with me. "Of course, I need to get something in my system anyways." She shrugged and smiled then we were back on our way. "So..", I began to ask. "What made you come to SDCC?" "Well, I love writing. Ever since I was little, I've been wanting to be a writer and just write my own story from my inspirations. It just makes me happy and SDCC was a start to that."

The way she talked was just so soothing and calming, it was so nice. She continued talking, "I've always loved California and I've always heard from everyone that going to a community college is the best option." "Really?" "Yeah!" She said really excitedly. "People kept telling me in high school that it's better to save money than to go to regular 4 university." We walked into a Starbucks that's on campus and surprisingly, there wasn't a long line. It was a couple that was in front of us and then it was me and Izzy.

"What do you want? I know what I'm gonna get." "The pink drink right?" "Nope, not anymore. I'm gonna get the strawberry açaí. It's a refresher drink, it's soooooo good!!" She was very excited and I said, "I'm probably gonna get a regular iced coffee." She looked up at me and said, "Thanks for taking me out today. I really needed it from all the stress and anxiety that I have." "No problem", I smiled at her. "What are you stressed about?" "The first day of school, every school year, I get really nervous and I usually don't sleep. That's how nervous I get. I stay up on night and don't get any sleep."

"Aw, I'm sorry. I wish I could help you. Give me your phone." "Why?" "Just give it to me." I held out my hand waiting for her put her phone there. She placed it on my hand and I said, "Can you unlock it?" "Well, you didn't say to UNLOCK it, you just said to give it to you." She smiled her cheesy little smile and I couldn't help but to smile back. "Damn if Izzy, just do it." She laughed softly as she unlocked her phone. "Here." She said, handing it to me. I pressed the contacts icon and started to put my number in. "Saved under 'blondie', there! Now you have my number?"

"Why'd you do that for?" "In case you ever get scared or alone and feel like no one cares, just shoot me a call or text. I'll always get back to you, no matter what I go, I'll always be there." She looked at her phone and started sniffling. She looked up at me and gave me the biggest hug ever. "It hasn't even been a day and you're already my favorite person in college. Thank you for befriending me so fast, that normally doesn't happen." "What? How could anyone not befriend you? You're so lovable." I winked at her. She laughed and blushed a little bit.

Yeah okay I was beginning to flirt with her but she literally was the most cutest, adorable, smartest, well-spoken, emotional, well-dressed person I've ever met.

Can you blame me?

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