Chapter 11

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"Where to now?" Monet asked. They had landed on a rooftop a couple of blocks over from the Baker Street offices. Monet had been afraid to fly much further with all the anti-aircraft guns around, and Jubilee found the whole experience rather unnerving.

Jubilee drummed her fingers against the file. She needed a plan. What would Miss Frost do? Emma had left three envelopes, with Jubilee's including the basic outline of how to catch out Shaw. But Shaw had seen them, so now what? Not to mention the rather large fireworks display Jubilee had provided inside the office. It was one thing for everyone to think she was odd, it was another to let everyone in the SOE know that she and Monet and Miss Frost by association undeniably, obviously mutants.

"Jubilee? Now what?" Monet asked.

"I - " Jubilee looked out across the rooftops towards Big Ben. The second envelope. "Whitehall. We need to see Scott Summers."

They caught a cab to Whitehall, Jubilee having decided that they needed to look as official as possible. She didn't know if they were in trouble, and just prayed that whatever Emma's letter to her husband had said had prepared him for the possibility of Jubilee showing up at his office. They had no problems getting into the War Office, but then had to figure out how to find Scott Summers.

"I don't like it here," Monet muttered.

"Why not?"

"I - my telepathy doesn't work."

"Oh, that's right," Jubilee said, "There's anti-TP blockers in here. That's kind of why Miss Frost ended up down at Baker Street."

"I was hoping to get the information out of someone's head..."

"Not this time," Jubilee said. "Guess we're going to have to do it the old fashioned way."

"That is...?"

"Ask," Jubilee said, "Excuse me, miss. We were expecting to meet with Mr Summers."

Five minutes later, they were standing in the office of Scott Summers. It was about half the size of Emma's office, and close to overflowing with paperwork. Scott leaned back in his chair.

"I'd offer you a seat, but..."

"There's not really room?"

A couple of photos stood on Scott's desk, acting as paper-weights; one with five smiling children, and one with Scott and Emma. Emma didn't keep photos of her family at work. Jubilee supposed it wasn't worth the risk. She felt comfortable here with Scott, as he was much less terrifying than his wife. Jubilee and Monet explained what had happened with Shaw and the folder and their literal flight from Baker Street. Scott looked over the few papers inside the folder and listened patiently.

"And now we're here," Jubilee said.

Scott nodded. "Did you read my letter from Miss Frost?"

"No, sir," Jubilee said, "I just sent it with the courier."

Scott nodded again and stood up. "Did Shaw know Emma was leaving last night?"

"I - I think so? Or guessed after she didn't arrive at the office this morning."

"Did he know who else was on the team?"

"Probably just Jean-Philippe. And maybe Logan? And Lady Elizabeth?"

Scott pursed his lips.

"You have a plan, monsieur?" Monet asked.

"Currently four," Scott said and sighed. "But I have a really bad feeling that we're already too late."

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