Chapter 15

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Warren could feel Elizabeth getting closer. She was so near. To feel her in his mind... it felt like the most natural thing in the world. She was stressed and tired and overwhelmed, but she was here. The team was here.

"Warren..." Kurt asked, looking at the door.

"I hear it," Warren said. Footsteps marching down the concrete corridor outside their cell. //That you, Bets? Because you're scaring the pants off us.//

"Anyone standing near the door? If so, I recommend taking a step back."


"You heard her, stand back, bub."

Warren grabbed Kurt and stood against the back wall, grinning from ear to ear. A bright purple light appeared through the door, the lock cracked and the door swung open. "Hello darling. I wouldn't pick this hotel again. Bit of a hassle to get to and the security is rather strict."

"The food is appalling too."

"We'll have to write to management."

"Oh God..." Warren laughed, and fell into Elizabeth's arms. He felt almost impossibly light. He knew that he smelt and was in need of a shave, but it didn't matter. They were saved.

"All right, all right," Logan said after a moment. "That your friend?"

"This is Kurt," Warren said, regretfully removing himself from Elizabeth's embrace. "He's coming with us."

"Come on, bub," Logan said, taking Kurt but the arm. "We got places ta be. You two can reacquaint later."

"What are you wearing?" Warren asked as they stepped out into the hallway, the flickering lightbulb revealing Betsy and Logan's grey coats.

"Borrowed some gear. Don't worry, we got a spare in the truck."

"This is insane," Warren said, completely impressed.

"We've got food and water, too. You both look in need of a meal."

"Ja," Kurt said.

"I don't mean to be rude," Logan said, glancing at Kurt "But in this light, you look blue, bub."

"Ja," Kurt said and smiled. He held out his hand. "Kurt Wagner."

"James Howlett," Logan said, shaking Kurt's hand, "But folks call me Logan."

"They will call you heroes," Kurt said.

Logan found himself blushing. They reached the end of the hallway and stepped over the bodies of a couple of soldiers. The truck was rumbling gently just outside.

"Are they...?"

"Napping," Elizabeth said, "When they wake, neither will remember anything from the last month."

"I recommended a good stabbing, but Bets got to them first with the psi-KO."

"I wouldn't have objected to the stabbing," Warren said.

"He can stab the next ones," Elizabeth said. "We need this to be clean and quiet." They stood in the door frame. The back of the truck was only feet away. Elizabeth scanned the surrounds. "Walk normally. Get in the back, and lie down. We're getting out."

Warren, Kurt, Logan and Elizabeth crossed the final few feet and clambered into the back of the truck. Warren and Kurt lay down, and were quickly covered with the spare coat. Warren smelt a familiar perfume, and pulled Elizabeth's own folded-up coat out from under the seat and put it under his head. If she noticed, she didn't say as much. The truck started moving.

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