Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I walked into my house and headed towards the kitchen I needed Chocolate Cake BAD. I cut me a big piece and began eating it. I closed my eyes enjoying the taste.

"That good huh?" I heard a deep voice say. I assumed it was Alec so ignored him.

"Alec please leave me alone your ruining the moment."

"Of what your food orgasm?"

I opened my eyes to shoot him a mean glare. But when I looked it wasn't Alec at all. Instead there was a boy with black short cut hair and brown eyes. He was HOT. I nearly drooled. I mentally slapped my self.

"I'm Carlos, nice to meet you."

"I'm Jesse. Why are you in my house?" I asked very curious.

"Oh! I just moved across the street and your brother was just welcoming me. We were just about to movie."

"Oh well that's nice. Enjoy the movie." I said getting up and putting my plate in the sink.

"Hey wait!" he called after me.

I turned to him.

"You want to join?"

I lifted my eyebrow. "Sure." I smiled.

We walked into the T.V room and Alec was sitting on the couch.

"Supp Jess?"

"Hey Alec."

"You're not staying."

I glared at him. "I'm telling Dad you're being unfair!"

"COME ON JESS NO!" he got a worried look on his face.

"Well then let me stay."


"What are we watching?"

"Drag Me To Hell." Answered Carlos.

"Oh okay." I scooted closer to Carlos. Sometimes scary movies creeped me out.

He looked down and smiled at me. I gave him a small smile back.

The movie wasn't all that scary. To tell you the truth it was pretty funny! I laughed at most parts. And Carlos and Alec gave me weird looks. I mean come on this movie is so predictable!

After the movie Carlos had to go. I walked him to the door.

"It was nice meeting you Jesse." He smiled.

"Nice to meeting you too Carlos." I smiled back.

He bent down and kissed my cheek.

I blushed.

"Night." And with that we closed the door.

Sweet Baby Jesus. Best Night ever! So far.


ok so i hope i get comments on this one cuz i barely got any comments on the last one :( so plz leave comments and fan and vote ive been losing fans too..

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