New Bio Teacher Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Carlos and I were in the car rocking out to We The Kings. I cant belive he actually likes them! I'm so glad he likes them cause Thalia hates them. She's more into R&B. Blah. We were singing Heaven Can Wait. The whole time we were singing I couldn't keep my eyes off him. He had the most beautiful brown hazel eyes. And he sort of had a mustache. Haha cute. Then something got me ready to explode, All Again For You came on! I freaking love that song!

"Oh My Gosh! I love this song!" I exclaimed.

"Really?" Carlos looked at me. "Me too."

"I couldn't sleep last night I walked along on the beach where we always used to go when we couldn't hook up at home." I giggled at the last part as I sang. I looked at the window and saw we weren't going in the direction of the movies. "Hey Carlos?"

"Yes?" he kept his eyes on the rode.

"Uh, where are we going this isn't the way to the movies?"

"Now, see Jesse that is for me to know and for you to find out." He smirked.

I wanted to slap it off of him. I hate surprises.

I sighed out of frustration "Damn it" I mumbled.

"Aww, is Jesse sad now?" he looked at me with his smirk still on his face.

"No." I muffled. "I just wanna know where we're going cause I'm not huge fan of surprises."

"Oh I'm sorry. But I promise you that you'll LOVE this surprise."

"Yah okay. You better be right."

After about 6 minutes of silence and me staring out the window, I saw that we were by the Coliseum. I looked at Carlos with big eyes. He wouldn't.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS!?" I screamed at him a big row a teeth showing.

"Maybe," he replied with his signature smirk. He pulled into the coliseum parking lot.

"Oh My Gosh, Carlos I LOVE YOU!" I hugged him.

He chuckled. "Pshh I love you more." He joked. 

I giggled.

He got out the car and walked over to my side and let me out. He's such a gentlemen.

I can't belive he got us We The Kings tickets to their concert tonight. I squealed. I'm gunna see Travis and his sexy red hair!!


Hiys Loves! :D What has it been like 4 Trillion years ? I Apologize for not uploading in forever bt i've very busy and grounded from the computer :\ Tommorows my birthday! :D so i wont be uploading that day. LOve you all for still stayinf fans!




FAN!!!!!!!!!! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2010 ⏰

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