Ghostie and Toaster

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--Ghost's POV--

Ugh... What.. what happened?

My.. my leg.. Hurts...?


Ghost gets up, and Limps to the couch.

''Sir.. are you ok?'' Toast asks Ghost, as he gets up onto the couch, where Ghost  is sitting.

''Yeah..'' Ghost yawns, then leans to put his head on Toast's shoulder.

This is.. comfortable.. 

Ghost smiles, then starts sleeping.

Toast looks at Ghost, and puts his arm around him, and kisses his head.

''I love you, Sir.''


Ghost wakes up, seeing Toast hugging him, and slowly puts Toast's arm to the side.

He gets up, and goes into the kitchen.

''Huh... maybe a sandwich..?''

''Naah... Oh yeah! Some waffles are good.''

Ghost pops some waffles into the toaster.

[Knock Knock Knock!]

''Why is someone knocking on the door at..'' 

[He looks at the clock]


[He opens the door, and sees... Sally.]

''Do you have wafflesss??''

''Uhm.... they are mine...''

''Pwease I want wafffllessss!''

''Err.. Fine..''


Ghost lets Sally in, and makes alot of waffles.

''Er... Sir?  Why is there.. why is Sally Acachalla in our house?''

''She smelled  the waffles. Want some?''

''Sure, Sir.''

And They ate waffles. :3

--Author's Note--

BOOM! Update. Just adding on the story, and getting into the ship part alittle more. Plus, not that many people are reading this, so I can't get the QnA yet. Just pushing it  farther. But, Have another Chapter. -Cutekitten249

Little Things [Johnny Ghost x Johnny Toast fanfic]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz