part 22

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Leonarda P.O.V
I heard someone yell my name and Martinus come and Marcus behind him. He help me get up and hug me. I cry so much. "What he did" Marcus ask. " Me" i say. "He is dead" Martinus say. "What hapined with your hand" Marcus ask when he saw. "I hit my arm on mirror when he put me on sink" i say. "I go call principal" Marcus say and go out. He come and we tell him what hapined. "Go in my office i will call your mom to pick you up you need to go to doctor" he say and we go to his office.
Marcus P.O.V
"Wait Marcus" principal say. "You will go with her so go to take your and her stuf" he say. "okay" i say and we walk to class. I come in and principal behind me. I pack our stuf. "Marin come with me" principal say. I go back to Leonarda and her mom soon come. "You are dead" i say to Marin before we go out. We go to hospital and her arm bleeding realy much.
Are she will be okay 😢

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