01 ; death

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after riding twice with the infamous 'partner killer' code 016 had to have known he was doomed to the same fate every other parasite to ride with her was.

during the last battle, 016's second attempt at piloting with code 002, he had been devoured by her. though she had no intent to consume him, he simply could not handle it.

being as this happened in an already chaotic fight, squad 13 was immediately distracted by the lack of response they were receiving from the brave, blue eyed boy.

the teams composure quickly dissipated, leaving a clear opening for a klaxosaur to attack. 013 and 078's franxx was attacked, and obliterated, 013 hardly managed to survive.
078, known as rin and 016, known as hiro were no so lucky. both boys perished that day.

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