05 ; markings

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"do as you please, darling," zero two said.

i used my left foot to trip her backwards both of us falling to the ground with a large splash.

"say, you're so cold, i think, i could heat you up..." i say quietly.

i pushed myself up so i was straddling her, i looked down her body. her face is blank but also seems happy, she's really beautiful. these awful thoughts aren't tolerated by the adults. i pulled the zipper of her red jacket down and lowered my head to her neck.

"sdoes this feel good?" i asked before biting and sucking on her neck.

"haaa.. for someone so quiet you sure are bold," she smirked.

i continued this action across her neck and over her chest. i paused for a moment, looking at zero two's unzipped jacket. well more specifically, her tits.

"pfft, are you scared? what happened to your bold attitude?" zero two asked.

"hmm, i thought you were crying just minutes ago. i guess both our demeanours changed," i said.

if she doesn't have an issue with it then i guess there's no problem, right? i unzipped her jacket all the way and opened it up, leaving her in in a white bra.

"sit up," i commanded.

she did as i said with a smirk adorning her porcelain face. i really like that look. i reached around her back unclasping her bra in one swift movement. i dropped her jacket next to us. she seemed to be watching me carefully.

in one quick second i was now on the wet, muddy floor, and zero two was straddling me.

"you know, darling... i think i'd like to leave a mark on you too, may i?" she asked me.

"as you please, darling," i smirked mimicking her.

zero two lowered herself to my neck sucking and biting different spots, she was more rough though. i wonder if she's thought about doing this before. my breathing is sort of ragged.

"you know if you disappear we'll never be able to-" she was cut off mid sentence with a sneeze.

"oh, you're going to get sick..." i say.

she lowered her head in embarrassment and rested it in the crook of my neck. i sigh. picking up her soaking and muddy jacket, i put it back on her. standing up i grab her hand.

"let's go inside... you need a bath and dry clothes..." i say.

i told zero two to go to bathe in the girls washroom while i go get dry clothes. i walked in places them down, as well as a towel.

"what about you?" she asked me.

"ah i'm fine-" i was cut short when she grabbed my hand pulling me into the bath with her.

sighing, i striped my clothes down and bathed with her.


everyone was in the main room right now, i supposed i should apologize. if zero two is willing, i want to pilot with her. i don't want to be thrown away, i want to stay with my team, and zero two.

"ichigo," i said.

she looked my way.

"i'm sorry, that was rude of me. you were just worried about me," i said bowing my head in shame.

she gave me a soft smile and cocked her head to the side a bit.

"we all have bad moments, i accept your apology," she said.

i sighed of relief and joined everyone in conversation.

i took extra time changing into my pistil uniform, i didn't want any of my teammates to see the purple and blue marks left on my neck.

when i entered the room where nana informs us about the mission, i noticed zero two wasn't there.

"excuse me but, where is zero two..?" i asked nana.

"she was just taken back to her original squad, since her stamen is deceased," nana spoke in a stoic tone.

my heart began to thump and ache. she can't leave, no, she has to pilot with me again! i ran out the door disregarding nana's calls. i have to find her.

i was running and running yelling her name, please, please don't be gone. just then i saw it, that unmistakable pink hair.

"zero two, zero two!" i yelled.

it seems she noticed me. as i continued running i hit a wall children aren't permitted past. i banged on it over and over.

"zero two, zero two! please, pilot with me, we can do it! please.. darling.." i spoke from the heart.

she turned and look at me and smiled, i really like her smile. she kicked down the guards escorting her and came running my way.

she took me by the hand and ran with me. she lead us to strelitzia.

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