Kyle's PoV

The morning after the previous chapter.

6:54 AM

I woke up to a face full of fluffy, curly red hair, and a phone with exactly 7 texts from Kenny McWhoreDick. My first thought was a 5 AM booty call, but then I remembered I wasn't on Kenny's fuck list even though my ass was the perkiest in town. I sighed, flopping onto my stomach and scrolling through the messages.

7 Messages from Slut to you.

1:42 AM: Yo Kyle, are you going to T's party tonight?

1:43 AM: Kyle.


2:57 AM: Kyle, I have a plan for you to get with Marshwalker

I was only four messages in and my heart practically stopped beating. I froze and dropped my phone. Was my crush that obvious? I had only realized a day prior but had Kenny noticed something before? I felt all of the color slowly draining from my face. I decided to take matters into my own hands and frantically attempted to pick my phone back up.

The keyword here is 'attempted.'

I grabbed it several times, each attempt making said phone slip farther out of my reach until I completely fell off of the bed and halfway across the room.

After a minute I finally was able to snatch my phone up and dial Kenny's number.

Before he could even say "hello," I was off on a rampage.

"What the fuck are you talking about, 'Get with Marshwalker?' How the hell did you know? Kenny I swear on your life if you tell anyone, or someone finds out I will personally murder you." I said, almost screaming.

I heard Kenny mumble something about, 'Don't worry you already have," but I brushed it off to get to the more important matters.

"Listen Kyle, I'm a bit hung over at the moment, but it's pretty damn obvious you have a boner for Stan. You literally left Wendy's party before cake because he was glued to her face. Anyone with half a brain cell could tell you were pissed beyond belief." he said, slightly slurring his words. 

He continued on, "I mean, it was shitty cake, but it was still cake. No one should leave before cake." I sighed and held the bridge of my nose for a minute.

"Listen Kenny, what's this big idea you have, and do you think it'll really work?" I asked, lowering my voice slightly.

There was slight rustling on the other end of the line for a minute or two before Kenny started talking.

"Alright, meet me at Tweek Bros. in twenty. We'll talk there, and Kyle?" he asked.

"Yeah?" I responded.

"Bring some extra money for me would you? Tight budget." he said, most likely with a smile plastered on his face. I groaned before agreeing and the call ended. I decided to get dressed, but the main problem was that my green hat seemed to have completely disappear. There was no way in hell I was going to go outside with my so called, 'Jew-fro.'

I spent a good solid ten minutes looking for it, only to find it on the coach downstairs. I must've taken it off when I got home. 

I slipped on my signature orange coat with blue jeans and black vans, because why not look fancy for your possible accidental 'coming out'?

I made sure I had both my phone and wallet on me as I headed back downstairs and out the door. With my luck I'd be about five minutes late and Kenny would already be hitting on a random stranger.

It was a bit brisk so I wrapped my arms around myself  as I made my way through town. As I passed the movie theater, I saw the last two people I'd want to see together right now.

Wendy and Stan were standing outside, looking at all of the movie posters. My pace quickened and I ducked my head down to try and avoid an awkward confrontation. To no avail, Stan saw me anyway. He was about to wave me over when my fight or flight response kicked in and I bolted into the coffee shop.

I almost slammed right into Tweek who was busy busting tables. 

"Oh shit! I'm so sorry Tweek, I wasn't looking where I was going and-" I said before he cut me off.

"D-d-don't worry about i-it -NGH- Kyle." he said, stuttering a bit more than usual. Maybe it was because Craig wasn't there to comfort him. Tweek gave me a small smile that I gladly returned before he rushed off to the 'Employee's Only' area. I sighed before looking around for Kenny who was waving at me from a table by the front door.

I shook my head a bit before sitting down in a chair across from him, folding my hands on top of the table. Kenny gave me a lopsided grin.

"How does it feel to like guys, Kyle? Oh please, do tell me about your little thing for Stanley." he said cheekily. I groaned and put my now red face down on top of the table.

I thought for a minute before replying.

I mumbled, "How would you know what it feels like to have a crush on your best friend from childhood?" Apparently Kenny was able to hear every word because his face fell for a moment before he plastered another smile on.

"You'd be surprised what many people don't know about me." he said trying to maintain eye contact.

I scoffed and said, "The next thing you know you'll be saying you're Mysterion." Kenny's shoulders tensed a bit, but I didn't pay any real attention to that. I was more focused on Kenny's plan to get me ad Stan alone to talk.

Before we continued, Kenny flagged down Tweek and we ordered some drinks. I didn't realize until our orders came that Kenny got the least expensive drink besides water. It made me slightly question what I actually knew about him. It was a small act of something, but I couldn't tell if it was part of  scheme involving me.

"Anyway," Kenny sad as he sipped from his hot chocolate, "My plan was concocted with genuine thought and strategy." I nodded along, sipping my own random beverage.

"What we have to do tonight, is get Testaburger away from Stan, long enough for you to swoop in and take him somewhere quiet. If you're willing to, you can come out right then and there and tell him how you feel." he said, wiping whipped cream from underneath his nose. I pondered it for a bit.

"How are we supposed to get Wendy away long enough?" I asked, genuinely interested now.

Kenny smiled with his trademark toothy grin and said, "With our old friend, Eric 'Jackass' Cartman." A smile popped onto my face.

"She won't be able to keep her hands off of him." I said happily. 

Kenny and I mulled over the rest of our makeshift plan, only running into two problems.

One being, what we should do if Stan and Cartman get into a fight.

While two was more along the lines of what if Stan pushed me away?

An hour turned into two as we perfected a majority of our plan other than the two points, because the future wasn't something anyone could predict.


Heya! I really want to right the party scene right now like it's killing me! I have a long day of work tomorrow so my goal is to either get another Kyle having a moral dilemma chapter or Stan talking to Kenny chapter out before I go to bed, but I haven't decided yet. Hope you Enjoyed this chapter! -Author~Chan

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