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Sometimes, I have to tell myself that I'm okay

I have to repeat it


Like a mantra

I'm okay

I'm okay

I'm okay


If I stop....

The voices in my head.....

Will remind me...

They'll remind me of all the reasons I am not

And sometimes

When I do realize...

That I'm not...

It's harder to get out of bed

It's even harder to find the motivation to get ready for the day

I'm okay


Sometimes, it's a constant battle...

That takes place in your mind

It gets harder

And harder

To fight.....

I'm okay

What your mind always tells you

And sometimes

You want to just go to sleep but you can't

You simply can't

So sometimes....

When you find it hard to get up

When your mind keeps pushing you down

I'm okay

You find yourself just staying there

In the darkness of your own mind

And sometimes...

You just sink


And deeper...

You're so tired



You have to keep fighting...

I'm okay

But you're scared


And you're gasping for air

You feel like screaming

Screaming for help

I'm okay

But it's takes so much effort to just keep your head up

So you can see that last bit of light

And sometimes.....

You let the darkness consume you.....

I'm okay

Always BrokenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang