Another Dream

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You lead me somewhere, a place filled of trees and plants.

You excitedly pulled me along and showed me that of which was hidden from the rest of the world, a wonderous tree house painted a bright neon pink color with swirling branches that covered most of the outside.

It amazed me that you were able to find wonderment in the simplest of things.

But we both knew what we were truly there for.

To sneak a kiss without anyone watching.

To share a moment that was ours and ours alone.

You turned me and puckered your lips, I leaned forward and captured yours with mine.

I had expected to wake up.

I had expected to open my eyes without having the pleasure of tasting your lips as that was the constant factor that always played out.

But I didn't, I leaned forward and caught your lips in a gentle kiss.

They were so soft, damp and malleable.

We both met kiss for kiss, repeating the action that filled my heart with such warmth and pleasure.

But when I pulled away, you looked at me with disappointment.

An emotion I hated being directed towards myself.

"What?" I ask.

Your face pinches up as if in sympathy, "You haven't had much practice, have you."

I faced away from you in shame, "No," I whisper.

I collected myself off a floor I hadn't realized I sat down on.

I walked out of the contraption and tried to hold the tears that were gathering in my eyes from dripping down my face.

Even though I kept those tears confined in my dream,
They were streaming down my face when I woke up.

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