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I remember that day in sixth grade in elementary school.

It was around 3pm and we were doing homework. At that school, some parents would choose to let their kids stay for 5 extra hours, so they did homework at school amd showed it to the teacher of that classroom.

I was part of the kids who stayed until 5pm.

Whatever, it was some day in sixth grade, around 3pm.

We were doing our homework silently. One kid was showing his homework to the teacher to see if it was correct.

Then, some phone rang.

We all looked up and started looking for where the ringing came from...

"Hello? Yes, it's me..."

We all looked at where the voice was speaking and it was our teacher.

"I'm at school now... But I don't think..." miss Laurens said while going outside the classroom.


The door was shut.

There was no more teacher inside the room.

We were all 10-11 year-old kids... so... naturally we started talking, shouting...

Girls were talking about singers

Boys were talking about some team

Girls were talking about weekend plans

Boys were playing the heroe and villan game

Pum. Miss Laurens came back into the classroom.

As kids, we were totally scared of her, at the same moment the door opened, we kids ran back into our seats.

"Are you f*cking k*dding me???? Just go to h*ll!!! You f*cking as*hole!!!"

We were all shocked.. The sweet but serious and quiet miss Laurens was shouting at her phone angrily... We never saw her that angry, it was the first time (and only time) we saw her like this....

"You doctor are f*cking crazy!! I hate you!!!!"

We were still shocked, but a class, there's always one kid that always has the guts to ask...

"Miss Laurens... what happened?"

Our teacher looked at us... and then she realized that she insulted and cursed someone in front of kids...

She was shocked too...

But, as a teacher, she had to tell us not to tell anyone, but as kids, we needed a reason...

I swear to you, the reason she gave us made me be afraid of doctors during five or six years...

She said...

"It was my gynecologist. He is a doctor that looks at our secret parts and checks if it's ok or not."


"Well kids... the problem is, these kind of doctors... introduce some sort of stick inside where girls pee..."

(I swear she said this, I'm never gonna forget it.)

"A stick?" some girl asked totally freaked out.

"Yeah, a stick"

Miss Laurens looked at all of us.

"When the doctor put that stick inside... it feels weird. And... sometimes it touches where it tickles and makes me laugh... sometimes it touches where hurts... sometimes it touches where feels good and makes me moan..."

"What is Moan?"

"It's a strange sound humans make... But that's not important..."

We were all looking at her... some of us didn't care, some felt anxious, some felt strange in their tummy, some were really interested in what she was saying...

"The thing is... It's really akward to make sounds when the doctor is checking your secret part... with a stick...  Well kids, go back to doing your homework."

I don't remember much how the day ended, but... what I do remember was her words. I was a 10year-old girl back at that time... and I was really really scared of what she said. I imagined a man in a white suit holding a stick asking for me to show him where I pee... so he can put a stick inside me.....

I swear it became my nightmare. During many years I would get up in the middle of the night because of this.

So.... People: Never say this kind of things to kids. Kids can turn whatever you say into a horror movie.

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