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There was this time, my friend came to stay over at some winter holidays. Her parents were travelling somewhere around the world.

Her, my brother and me had lots of fun playing all around the house.

And then, the phone rang. My parents had an urgent bussisness travel and had no choice but to send us to my aunties house.

We packed our things and travelled the three of us alone. We went there by bus.

It was an eight hour travel.

I remember how we played and talked and have fun in the bus. We gain many glares but we still played all along.

We sang, we slept, we talked, we played poker, we listened to music, we ate...

We had lots and lots of fun, so by the tine we arrived we were exhausted.

At the window we could see auntie being there. She was standing there looking at this bus we were sitting.

We picked up our things and got off the bus.

My brother went first. He got off and ran towards my auntie saying "Auntieee". She hugged him back while laughing.

An unknown sir got off.

Then did my friend and just right after my friend I did.

The second my friend stepped outside my auntie hugged her calling my name.

My Auntie Hugged Her Calling My Name.


Just imagined it. I was behind watching the whole scene.

My own auntie just called my friend her niece.

Perfect way to start a journey.

But what made the whole thing funny was my friend's reaction

"Sorry... who are you?"

Then my auntie pulled back and said "What?"

She looked up and saw me. Then looked back at my friend. Looked at me. My friend. Me. My friend. Me....

"Ha ha ha" My auntie laughed akwardly

"Sorry, auntie forgot her glasses hahaha, you two just look alike!!"

I really wanted to ask her "Since when do you use glasses?" but I didn't.

I started laughing so hard... Never in my life had I seen my auntie this akward and hear someone saying that me and my friend look alike xD

She tried really hard to pretend nothing happened.

Let's say... whenever we see our auntie, we always make fun of her and remind her about this huge MISTAKE.

Well, may be at that moment I felt disappointed, but nowadays, it's just another funny anecdote I can tell.

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