Chapter One

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Isn't it crazy, how the littlest things can impact your life so much? I'll admit. My life was never cupcakes and rainbows, but it was never too difficult to maintain either. Until about three years ago. I lost my beloved husband, Alexander Burriss. I had to find a way to pick myself back up again and start fresh and new.

I was probably more a wreck than anyone. My kids weren't old enough to understand yet. Nicole and Beverley were so sweet, they didn't deserve this. To be fair, I don't know what I did to deserve this either. My life was perfect with him. I had everything I had ever wanted. But then I had to lose him, and my world came crumbling down.

You see, everything I had built up for the last ten years of my life had to be rebuilt. I was broken inside, I no longer was Lauren Wassabi/Burriss. Hell, I no longer was Lauren Riihimaki. Nicky and Bev at some points thought I was just some stranger roaming the house, the third time they didn't recognize me as their mom, I realized I needed to pick myself back up again.

I got a good job as a manager of a restaurant, of course it took time but I got there. My family and friends were there to support me every step of the way which I could not be more grateful for to this day. My kids are now out in an affordable school that is supposedly best in LA for education.

Everything was actually going great, really great. Some days, I was working hard enough that I completely forgot about Alex. But every day, nothing would change the fact that I missed him like crazy. He was my whole heart. He would always be a part of me. Every night I used to think the slight breeze next to me would always be his presence watching over me, but boy was I wrong.

How could I have been so dumb? When they said he was dead but they never even actually let me see him. I should've started asking questions right then and there. Because I was wife I should've been allowed to see him, but now I know why I wasn't.


*Five Months Ago*

"Nicky! Bev! Time for school!" I yelled so I could get my kids to school on time.

"We're coming momma!" Nicole yelled, hopping down the stairs.

"Is your sister coming?" I asked.

"She's tying her shoes right now." Nicole answered.

"Okay, grab your lunch boxes and get in the car. I'll be right there." I said.

Nicky did as told and I went upstairs and helped Bev. Beverley was done and walking downstairs.

I took them both to school and made my way to The Cornucopia which was the restaurant I managed. It took quite a while to get there but it happened. I still had leftover savings from YouTube, I decided it would go towards college for Bev and Nicky and so would Alex's funds as well.

Work was fine, it wasn't easy, but it wasn't unbearable either. I looked forward to after I picked the kids up because Liza, David, Ethan, and Grayson would come over. I liked to believe that it was because they enjoyed spending time with us, but deep down something inside me knew that it was because they still worry about me. I mean I'm fine, I really am. But how else was I supposed to act? Alex had died.


"Lauren! We're here!" Ethan yelled as he walked though the door.

"Obviously," I rolled my eyes jokingly. "I was wondering if you and Gray could watch the kids while I go out and get some groceries?"

"Yeah. Are you sure you don't want Gray or I to come with you?" He asked in concern.

"I'll be fine, Eth." I said as I grabbed my purse and walked out the door.

"Bye. And take care of Nicky and Bev."

"I will." He responded.

I got in my car and pulled out of the driveway. The nearest grocery store was five miles from here so I had a long way to go.


I picked up my phone to see who was texting before I got on the highway.

"Heyo! It's Aaron. I know we haven't talked in a while because of my mental state, but I'm doing better now. Why don't you come and meet Serena and I at the spot." The text said.

I scoffed in disbelief, "The brother of my dead husband wants to meet me at the spot that Alex and I had. Unbelievable."

The sun was about to go down and it was going to get dark out. I probably should get there before it gets dark anyway. I switched off the path I was going on and decided to go to the spot. It was by the old house, which I haven't been by in eight

Eventually, I got there but I didn't see Aaron and Serena's car. In fact, I didn't even see anyone. At this point, I was angry. Aaron knew that this spot was important to me and a very fragile part of my life, and he stood me up. I walked in, basically dragging myself in. Why was I doing this? This would just make me ache more.

The lake was flowing peacefully. The sun set, it made me remember the night Alex and I had to reduce Serena from Derek and then I went on a date with Alex here and we watched the sun go down. I sat down, taking in the scenery. I closed my eyes, remembering everything. Every moment I had here. Stupid, fucking, Daniella.

"Hey," a familiar voice said.

My heart was beating out of my chest. What the hell? How was this possible. I immediately turned around to see who was talking. And as I suspected, I was right.

"Alex," I fell to the ground in tears. I pulled my knees to my chest. "I'm dreaming, there's no way this is possible."

"I've missed you so much." He said, crying as well.

"Why did you do this us? Our family? Our friends? Me?" I yelled.

"I'm so sorry. I really really am. You'll just have to believe it was just for a good reason!" He said.

"I can't. I mean..I don't know. You've put me through straight hell." I said, wiping the tears from my face.

"I-I know. And I shouldn't have." His expression plastered to the ground. "I love you Lauren."

"What the..." I started but he flung his hand over my mouth.

"Please, don't say anything." He whispered in my ear.

I stayed silent, as he asked me to do.

"I've missed you so much." He uncovered my mouth and went in for a hug.

I pushed him away before he could, "I want answers."

"I wish I could give them to you, but you're going to have to wait." He murmured.

"Don't pull this Serena crap on me. I want answers and you're giving them to me now." I steamed.

"Fine. It all started the night I was shot..."

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