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"Haven't you noticed Y/n!"


Feeling irritated with your co-worker you decided to finally answer her. Your face came to horror when she giggled while pointing at the male who stood at the desk with his rectangular smile reaching his lips as he stared at you.

It has already been 3 days since Taehyung found out about your job and everyday when he got a chance, he'd drop by and visit.

"You can take the front, I'm taking the back." You quickly said, patching up before opening the small gate from the front desks. Sliding your bag onto your shoulder you made your way to the back.


Biting your lips, you forced a smile onto your face. You have to be nice... You can't afford losing this job over a small inconvenience.

"Yes?" you muttered through gritted teeth, your fingers not going noticed gripping the straps of your bag, by the male. You were clearly angry and yet he had no intention of leaving.

Silence was the key to get the hell out. You zipped your way to the back. Your boss smiling once you came in view.

"Great timing Y/n! I need help setting books up back here."

You gave your boss a gentle smile, nodding to his request. Before regretting your whole decision.

"Great! You brought a friend with you to help." Looking back, you faced Taehyung once your boss left the room.

"Get out, you aren't suppose to be in the employees section! And don't smile like that! It's irritating."

Light pink lips rose, the fluffiness of his hair swooping and resting gently on his forehead. He was amused. And you hated it.

"Nah, I'll stay where I can see you."

Turning your back you slammed your bag onto the table before picking up books next to you. You made your way past him and through an aisle of books placed into shelves.

You wanted to get this all over with. Making your way book by book, you finally finished part of it. You ran back to grab more books. You didn't need Taehyung's presence to be the reason of you not finishing and doing your job. In the end, you were almost done. He just sat down and watched as you restock the books.

As you make your last round, Taehyung stands up from his chair and make his way to you. His arms trap you in between as you feel his chest rest against your back. I tense up the most I've ever been as my breath hitches in my throat.

It felt suffocating. I gulp as I continuously mumbled under my breath. It's okay, It's okay, It's okay. Just breath Y/n. 

He leans in rather closer than before, and you feel his breath against your ear. "Why are you being so difficult? Can't you just listen to me?" He whispers gently as I felt shivers grow across my back. He was to close. 

I take a deep breath and I quickly elbow him as strong as I can straight to his stomach. He backs up in pain as I face him in a rush to prevent anything else. "Don't you dare touch me..." I scowl as I glare at him with disgust.

"Don't get your hopes up so high just because everyone else falls into your trap so easily Taehyung. It won't work here." I snap coldly, and as soon as he stands straight again to say something, the door opens up and your co-worker walks in.

"Did I interrupt something?" She speaks softly as she looks at us both. "Not at all. You came at perfect timing, I just finished off my shift so I think I'll be going now." I state a little more calmly as I face my co-worker. 

However, my glare returns when I looks back at Taehyung. "I'm asking you kindly. Don't come back here again."

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