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"Why do you looks so exhausted?" Sunmi sits right in front of you in the class as she takes out her phone. "Did something happen at work yesterday while I was gone?" She was always spot on. "Of course something happened. What do you expect? He comes like everyday. I can not get away from him Sunmi." You explain as you write down in your notebook for the exams.

She was always sharp and when she new something was going on. "He tried something on you, didn't he. Oh god." Her face morphs as she slowly finishes her sentence when watching your brow twitch. "Start using me as an excuse! Well I mean.. Ugh." She tried to think of an option before cutting herself short.

You sighed, pushing her chair with your foot to get away from your space.

"He likes you for sure though Y/n. Why else would he do this! Listen girl-" She grabs your hand before you stand up before she sits you down. "I'm joking, I'm sorry I'm sorry!" She says in a panic before placing her hand on her palm. 

"But Y/n, why haven't you just transferred? Is the boss being harsh now to or something?" She asks before you look up at her. "I can't just transfer, that location is the only library that is near where I live. Unless I plan to take the bus for 30 minutes to get to work. Then no thank you." I sigh as I lean back into my chair. "He'd just find me anyways Sunmi. There would be no use trying to get away."

She nods as she pulls back. "I mean you could just-"

You stood up with your dish walking off, leaving Sunmi to confusion. You already knew where that was going. You throw the food away as you grab your bag and make your way out of the classroom.

You walk past the doors before facing three girls in the hallway. I take a deep breath in as I roll my eyes back and cross my arms.

"Hey Y/n." Turning your head at your name, you glared at the girl who stood before you.

"I want you to know that Taehyung is mine-"

"And that I can't have him?" you rose your brow when she nodded. "Really Soojin? You should know that I don't care. You can have him, take him please! I could care less. I have nothing to do with him, okay?."

She backs up confused before moving aside while you push forward. She wasn't excepting that, was she? They were doing this like every week. To think she hasn't gotten to clue yet... Did you need to spill out everything for her to understand?

"Y/n." Another voice sounds from the side of you as you turn to face the voice.

Just how many people were going to stop you today?

You hooked your fingers tightly against your backpack strap, rolling your eyes annoyingly, giving him a straight sign you were not interested in chit chatting.

However, just like everyone else in this school. He doesn't know how to take a hint. He steps in front of you now as he stares down at you. 

He takes a deep breath as he speaks up. "Go out on a date with me."

I raise my brows as I fold my arms. "You are aware of my answer, aren't you?" He grumbles as he runs his hands through his hair. "You won't even give me a chance? Why not Y/n? At least tell me why." He asks as he stares straight at me with a serious face.

"I don't like you. I don't find you attractive or date worthy. It's as simple as that Taehyung." I state bluntly as I watch his face shift. "You won't even give me a chance?"

"No. Not in a lifetime." I stare coldly at him as he looks away and returns a glare back.

"Don't you think you're being a little to cruel? Do you only know how to say no to everything? I like you Y/n. Is it really that hard to accept me?"

Yes Taehyung. Yes it was.

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