
156 9 8

Word count: 3690


In a world where rank is determined by colour, is there really any room for a favourite?

No. Society says.

Red. Lance says.

Ever since Lance can remember, he's been fascinated with the colour red.

Red means powerful. Red means dangerous. Red means important. Red means royalty.

Red means everything Lance is not.

He sighed as he unloaded yet another box of vegetables and put them on the stall display. He'd been spending a lot more time than usual selling the family produce on the market as his father is aiming towards a promotion and doesn't have the time.

Promotions don't come easy to his rank and so any opportunity to get one is taken immediately and with unlimited gratefulness.

Allow me to explain for those that may be confused.

In Lance's world, when a baby is born, they're born with a streak of colour in their hair.

Lance, much to his dismay, is Blue. The lowest rank out of the five. He was born into a large but poor family that has to work hard for what they have and even harder for what they need.

His two best friends- Hunk and Pidge- are in the yellow and green rank.

It's all just very confusing in Lance's personal opinion.

The Blue rank are practically nobodies. Labourers. They slave away in the fields to produce food that they can sell on the market to the higher ranks. Children are put to work on the farms at young ages, though unfortunately most don't live through the scorching summers and the bitter cold winters. They're seen as peasants and aren't really that important at all.

The Yellow rank are also labourers, but most of them are engineers or assistants to higher ranks. They're not the wealthiest of people, but are very kind and almost always willing to help. Hunk's parents met Lance's parents when they were just babies and they've been best friends ever since.

The Green rank is home to the scientists and doctors. Most are snide know-it-alls who think that they're superior to the uneducated ranks, but you get the odd few like Pidge that are always wanting to learn and take pride in their friends no matter what they do or don't know.

The Black rank is for knights and people that work for the Reds. They're highly respected and make sure that nobody comes to harm. The knights often visit the Blues to buy food, clothes and other things on sale in the market. They get their weapons and armour repaired at the few stores that are made for it and are one of the only ranks that are just generally nice to them, seeing as not many of the Blues are smiled upon... Being unwealthy slaves and all...

And last but not least, the Red rank.
The daredevils. Pretty much all of them are royalty so they're to be treated with the utmost respect. They're never seen with any rank lower than Black and are always being sent out on secret and highly dangerous missions to protect us lower ranks from the Galra.

Ah yes... the Galra.

The Galra are seen as scum. Evil, relentless and hostile individuals that will go to any length to destroy the ranking system. A sworn enemy to any rank regardless of status. Lance doesn't understand why they're so hated. He doesn't really agree with the ranking system either, though he shuts those thoughts out if they ever make their way into his head, for siding with the Galra is quite literally a death sentence.

The Red rank have had an ongoing battle with the Galra ever since... well forever pretty much. You see the Galra are rankless. They don't have a colour and for that they're ostracised completely.

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