
79 6 0

Word count: 2443


Keith's throat was sore from shouting.
He had been locked in his room at the top of the palace and he was beginning to get very claustrophobic.

He sighed and looked out of his window, scoffing when all he could see was trees.

He knew that if Lance was here, he'd probably call him a damsel in distress.

'Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair.' He'd joke.

Keith could pretty much hear his voice as if he were right next to him.

Keith flopped down onto his bed for what must have been the twentieth time since he got back.

He hoped Lance was alright, he saw Peta corner him as Shiro dragged him away and he couldn't help but think of the worst.

He felt so stupid. He should've listened to Lance when he said nothing would work out between a Red and a Blue but the system was still so confusing to him... why did they need it in the first place? That's what he didn't understand.

'Lance is a person just as much as me... why should he have to work so hard just to get barely any recognition in return?' He thought to himself.

Maybe Keith was just spoiled. He's a prince after all, anything he wanted he could ask for and he'd have it within the hour.

Suddenly the prince heard the sound of a lock clicking and he sat bolt upright in bed, looking at his bedroom door as it opened.

Coran walked in with a silver tray, a solemn look on his face.

"Your supper." He said as he placed it on Keith's desk.

Keith nodded softly, knowing full well that he wasn't going to be able to eat.

Coran hesitated in the doorway and Keith raised an eyebrow.

"Is there something else Coran?" He asked gently.

Coran turned to face him with an unsure expression.

"I probably shouldn't be saying this, in fact I know I shouldn't be but I don't think it's right of them to keep you locked in the palace all the time... I would've run too." He said, his eyes on the floor the whole time.

Keith looked at him in surprise.

Coran hadn't shown much interest in anything like that before, in fact he was one of the main people that told Keith it was too dangerous to go outside.

"I uh... do you know why they insist on imprisoning me here?" He asked, wondering if Coran would actually answer.

Coran looked over his shoulder to see if anyone was coming and then entered the room fully again, shutting the door behind him before coming to sit next to the prince.

"Keith... I'm sorry for all those times I said you couldn't leave, I was simply following orders. But you're not a little boy anymore... you deserve to know." Keith got comfy as Coran began, eagerly awaiting the information that he had been wanting for years now.

"When Krolia disappeared, you must remember your father was distraught. He believed that the Galra had her held captive and he told me over and over, he wouldn't stop until she was found."

Keith nodded slowly as Coran told the story, thinking back to when his mother vanished seven years ago and how heartbroken his dad was... He got really strict then, not letting him out into the garden or even for a bath without someone guarding him.

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