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Word Count: 1906


The journey towards Lance's village began with small encouraging smiles and little giggles as chit chat was exchanged, however three hours in and the three teens had suddenly fallen into an awkward silence, the only noise being Rover and Neighma's hooves clicking against the ground.

"So you said Lance and his dad got into a brawl... could you maybe elaborate a little?" Hunk asked, confusion on his face.

Keith looked up from his reigns and sighed.

"It's a long story... but from what I gathered Lance's father started drinking again and he was getting violent towards his sister, Lance got angry very quickly and he called his dad out on it. The fighting was... shocking. They were going at each other with everything they had, I'd have never expected someone like Lance to be capable of such rage..."

When the prince glanced over at Hunk and Pidge to see their reactions, he was met with two very worried expressions.

"What? What is it?" he asked as they shared a look of unease.

"Peta was always very strict with Lance... after his mother passed at least. He made him work long hours on the stall and if he didn't sell enough then he'd starve him until he did. We tried to help him out, sneak him fresh food and water when we could but his father found out and that's when things got really bad. He said he didn't want us involved with it. " Pidge said.

Hunk sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose as he took over.

"He always had a different excuse for all the bruises, the cuts and the bags under his eyes... we didn't know what to do. We asked him why he puts up with it and he told us that he was his siblings only real parent now... he had to take it, so that they didn't." Hunk was crying now and Keith himself felt his eyes beginning to water.

The prince looked forward, into the distance.

In a way he was proud of Lance. He finally stood up and hit back after all these years. On the other hand Keith knew that he shouldn't have had to hit back in the first place, he couldn't imagine living with someone who treated him so badly. It made Keith feel selfish, all this time he had been living a life of luxury in the palace and he had the audacity to complain when Lance was dealing with so much worse.

Keith knew that if Lance heard he was thinking such things then he'd be mad, but that fact only made him feel worse.

"He's so strong... he carries all that weight and pain on his shoulders so that others don't have to." Keith said quietly.

Hunk hummed softly.

"The faster we find him, the better." He said just as quiet, for Pidge had fallen asleep against him.


The market came into the trio's sights at around five in the afternoon. Keith had gasped when he saw it and led Neighma into a canter, Hunk snapping Rover's reigns and following just behind him.

When they reached the large wooden archway that marked the entrance, they dismounted their horses and squinted to see through the dusty red earth that had been kicked up into the air by their steeds hooves.

Keith led the way and he noticed that not as many people stared this time, like his arrival was much more normal. He spotted Tiegan playing with a small doll outside Allura's shop and he called to her with a smile.

Tiegan's eyes were watery as they met his and then suddenly full of hope. She clutched her doll tightly in her hand as she ran to him before crashing into his waist and hugging him tight.

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